Singh > JClark

:rofl :wtf

I just let them know, but I’m sure they’re working on it.

I have no affiliation.

i know, just busting balls :lol

They shoulda honored my quote… lol

so it was you and Singh! :vlad

never understood that. “you were hacked by so and so” … uh-huh and then? exactly what does this accomplish? these people are so unoriginal. computer viruses were the thing in the 80s and 90s. shit’s been done, loser. get new material and quit wasting people’s time.

:rofl I gotta tell you ANOTHER story about that, remind me.

hey you have to tell another story to jammer about that

just reminded you

you answered your own question in your reply.

^ They are posers. IMO real hackers stay under the radar and aren’t noticed, or at least they try not to be.

yea i knew a kid in HS who did what he called “white hat” hacking. People would come to him and pay him to solve a problem for him.

he told me typically people would come to him with a their work withholding money and he would hack into their bank account and get there money…he was vague in his description but something along those lines…

Effin Habibs

:rofl :rofl^

lol? pm names!

Pm’d…you sorta know him

gotcha, yeah he was nuts, cant beat slim sellie who crashed the entire schools network for a whole day lolololol

sellie ftmfw!