hacker owned

lol@ At people throwing around the word “hacker”

what do you want me to call them; person who tries to get information illegally?

I think I have seen that before somewhere else or here. Funny stuff. “Go Mow some lawns, bitch.”

lmfao owned

This is some lame phishing attempt…has nothing to do with hacking.

Social Engineering at it’s best. :slight_smile:

yeah scammer would also have been acceptable


I thought this was gonna turn into a “type deltree .” or similar but I actually got a few chuckles out of it.


lol. jackass could have at least used english

ya but its still hacking





lol lol lol. oh man.

hahahaha that dude is awesome

i remember reading that exact thing like 2 years ago.

hahahaa, i love how he was just like Greg… and wait for him to say what