singh needs help

YO i ALMOST got this but im kind of lost

anyone can give me some help is REALLY appreciated !

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<status_get_response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" list="true">






    <message>Does anyone know if you can echo facebook status updates to your website or any external application / medium ?</message>







    <message>What is the effect that I want this communication to have on the recipient? Do you want them to take action on something? Feel or think differently about something? Learn something? If there’s no intended effect, there’s no point communicating. If you</message>







    <message>LOOKIN FOR ME... IM UNDERGROUND</message>







    <message>cant wait to get back and record some music !</message>







    <message>I SEE U JOCKIN DAVE SINGH</message>



Ok so i wanted to export my status updates now I used XML for response format…which explains the above code…

The method was status.get (duh) now the thing here is W A T THE FUCK IS THE FUNCTION ??? facebook wont tell me

This function is protected and is not available to the client API.

If i can get this function then i can call the method from the API and echo the results to my site …

:retardclap killing me am i missing something here, is another way to do this ?

What are you using to get at FB’s source? Just View Source?

Try FireFox’s Firebug add-on.

fuck both of you. my brain hurts.


i have fierbug and web dev (and a million other plugins) installed on my firefox, cannot live without firebug it saves the most time EVER, especially when fixing IE bugs

Good to know u know about it too…

No not FB’s source I was going through their developers section where they have lists of call backs / functions / methods etc however the status.get function was hidden they wont give it to you, i could get other shit on my website from FB just not my status update…

MAYBE i’ll try to get in the FB source and see what I can find im going to assume thats gonna be a tough one !

heres wat chu do

u go doown ta da river, ask for tony, tell um gino sent u.

den go ova to da terd peir. look for da boat named :0 crooked cork 0:

go inside and unda da sink der is a bag. get dat bag and take it to da resturante ova near da parked black lincoln.

open the caa dor and throw da bag inside.

now step away so jews legs dunt get blown off.

once u do dis, come see me and we can talk erbout spacebook codes.



FUCK IT MAN im gonna go with RSS feed as much as i didnt want to i think i can work it just fine

Get the page source, examine it and find where the status is posted.
Use Regex to extract the string that is your status.
Echo the string on your sig

Not the most elegant way of doing it, but it should work.

wow thanks for the lead on Regex, never knew of it before… im not much a programmer thats probably why…

Thanks dude, if i cant get RSS feeds to displau / work how i want i’ll do it that way but its going to be a headache !

Could you export other people’s status? I have the new Trillian Astra and it has a facebook function where it’s like a RSS feed but also facebook chat built in and you can see a live feed off your facebook page, even peoples profile picture and info.

my first thought

“singh needs help”

-yea no shit lol

LOL WOW i came to shift and saw this topic and forgot it was mine, and thought

GREAT who thinks im mental now !
