Singh vs. Cossey since Singh seems to like to start shit for no reason.

What’s funny is that you’ll say all these people talk about her, and you won’t tell me who it is. I’m gonna go ahead and guess it’s someone that hasn’t met her. I don’t buy her shit. You want to talk shit about stuff you know nothing about, hence why you bring it up. People will say what they want to say, because they figure I have money so any girl around me is a “gold digger”. Even all of my close friends know she’s not, and they’re the ones that are actually around her and I. Talk about me all you want, leave her out of this as it’s something you have no clue about, but it is on par with how disrespectful you are to other people.

I said from day one I set up my business as a tax shelter. Guess how much I actually paid for ALL of my camera equipment, printer, and cutter? $0 at the end of the year when I paid taxes. So I don’t think that’s a failure, but keep rapping, you’re gonna make it HUGE.

I’m not going to unban you, since I’m not like you and won’t step on another moderator’s toes who did ban you. How about you go cry to Vlad some more about being banned?