people are assholes!!! glad to hear your ok
damn that sucks, what is it with assholes not respecting bikes as vehicles?!
tonight I almost witnessed a fucking manslaugher washing my car. one of my neighbors pulled out infront of a bike going down my hill. The bike had his brakes locked through the whole ordeal. He was doing atleast the 45 mph speed limit…no doubt he woulda been seriously fucked up. He had his headlight on too, theres no way the asshole didn’t see him.
quick post the pictures
on my phone of you and ill get pics of bike tomorrow if you wish
yeah post them all of the car the skid mark my arm yadda so if i need them i can access them.
ok, just need to get them off phone when i get home
Im assuming you drive the bike like your TA?
Old grandma style
yes he does
she’s a cunt dude, go after her for all she’s worth.
Glad your ok spang, just saw this now because I have been busy.
sorry to hear man…hope everything works out the best it can.
spangler, glad you are ok. let me know if i can help out in anyway. typing must suck with a broken hand i’m sure. Quick said you had a helmet on, so thats good, could have been alot worse.
oh, btw, i know a guy, who knows a guy, who robbed a guy with nice busa stuff. let me know if you need a good deal on any parts.
im selling my 04 GSXR600 with go fast parts on it if anyones interested. $5500. let me know
Yea its nice to see that your ok
MMMM those are sick…to bad I am scared of those things
thanks guys
yeah type is being a real bitch
i think i can get a small trailor from work if not i may need to swing out to your place tonight and grab yours.
just waiting on the lady’s insureance company to call me
nice to see your doing better, I been following this thread, now you guy got me all built up for pics…
c’mon quik, pics.
quick has all the pics
preety sure there a nic eon eof my arm its pretty much destroyed