SIQQQ Turbo V8 @ my work

So i was in the boiler room of a facility i have never been in before and i was like DUDE!! then i looked higher and im like DUUUUUDE!! Growing mullet now!


Silly pic of sureshot!

weak… lol

omg, i just puked a little in my mouth

nikuk sureshot!



yuppers. this nursing home does hairy burnouts.

So, thats the room that you take the inmates to when they’re being “naughty”?

that hat is sweet

please, shut down the internet on your computer and go home and cry yourself to sleep.

but it is a turbo v8 ?!? i dont know why im getting flack for this.

no FMIC no care

is that adam in the little boys section at target?

that was kohls but it was more the old man section. We were looking for costume hats.

Ford Powa FTW …

either a 460,351c,m,or 400m

ughhh both of those are terrible designs…