Siqqqqqqq-got torque?

yes yes and more yes




lol adam is such a clown :rofl:

its all oil


Stupid shit us cars guys do.

haha. trailer burnouts rule.

I think we should have a disposable car contest. Let’s say who can find a car for like $300-500 and have the most “fun” with it. Points for how much abuse it can actually take, and of course how creative the abuse is.


Best FWD burnout in awhile by one the shittiest cars ever.


I think we should have a disposable car contest. Let’s say who can find a car for like $300-500 and have the most “fun” with it. Points for how much abuse it can actually take, and of course how creative the abuse is.



i’m ready. we can raid the wholesale row and have a whole bunch of cars!!!
edit: we used to have an “Ugliest Employee Car Contest” every year and it was a ton of fun

Dont you guys know of the hangover 200 in Ransomville?? Might use my wagon in it one of these years.


i’m ready. we can raid the wholesale row and have a whole bunch of cars!!!
edit: we used to have an “Ugliest Employee Car Contest” every year and it was a ton of fun


I’m gonna drink a few beers and really get the ideas flowing on this one. I used a I-mark Turbo once for some along side the railroad tracks fun. No alternator, no front windshield, just running on bateries with a helmet on.:eekdance:


i want to hear more about this wholesale row…i’ll buy shit!

i’m not allowed to retail them so technically you can’t buy them but if you guys gave us the money we have into the cars we could have the first annual NYSPEED Smash -the-shit-out-of-junk-cars Derby.

i’m talking about $100-200 cars, everything else goes to the raffle

This is one contest that I could kick ass at.


we used to have an “Ugliest Employee Car Contest” every year and it was a ton of fun


did you let any good looking employees get to participate at least?

LOL! no, only the fat ugly one’s with moles on their lips

last years winner was a 94 civic (not a shot at any import owners) with more rust on it than steel, second place was a dodge caravan that i couldn’t even tell whether it was from the 80’s or 70’s (it wouldn’t drive thats why it got 2nd)

i had a 91 corolla that my buddy and i drove into snow banks as hard as we could until every side of the car was completely caved in. we still sold it to the junk yard for $100 and it was more fun than i think i’ve ever had in a car.

seriously, how many cars can you drive down a snow covered street and e-brake it into a snowbank in a church parking lot and laugh when the window explodes getting glass in your beer??

Want a shitty beretta

$500 haha

I <3 beaters. I would be up for it.