Sitting at Philly waiting for flight....

…to Burlington,tethered to my phone for internet and I have the only electrical outlet in the waiting area…Bwahahahahahaha. Wonder if I can turn this into a profit:D

Lol what are you doing? Vacation?

Had to go work on a supercharged Magnum in VA beach.

Tuning? Building? How’d it go?

bone stock 5.7 with 8psi…went very well. About 450 to the rear wheels. Nice jump over the stock 290rwhp.


I got stuck in Burlington for 18 hours…I feel your pain in Phily.

Wow that sucked. Plane just about came in sideways…God I hate flying.

A little crosswind landing, very normal. Keep your panties on there :smiley:

Heh…28mph south wind…nights not done…still need to take ferry across lake Champlain…it ain’t exactly calm on the lake…ugh

Should have checked out mahogany lounge while you were in Philly

Huh? Why didn’t you just drive home?!

I got a ride there, flight kept getting pushed back then finally cancelled.

Yeah I’d say so

So ferry was awesome last night…best roller coaster I have been on in a while. It was rolling at least 5’ swells last night.

need the puke bags?

nah…I like it when it rolls like that. Been on boats all my life,I don’t get sick.

i woulda been puking my guts out in that situation.
just thinking about that makes my guts hurt