Interesting weekend summary inside.

Well I was supposed to be flying into Buffalo this Friday for a nice 4 day weekend. Very busy weekend actually with my fiancee’s graduation Saturday morning at 9am, grad lunch after, then a dinner at Romanello’s that night. My friend’s little brother’s 21st later that night and a meeting at the church Sunday. Monday morning was breakfast with my family then off back to Houston.

Well my flight was supposed to leave Houston to DC, then connect to Buffalo. That flight got delayed then finally axed awesome ok, United you better get my ass into B-lo ok? They hook me up with a flight leaving at 5.20pm to Chicago connecting to Buffalo with an arrival time at 11pm. Ok I can deal with that.

5.30pm rolls around and they say the flight will be delayed. FML. We don’t take off until 8.30pm landing at 11pm, missing the flight to B-lo. Ok once again, United get my ass to B-lo.

Well they tell me they have had so many flights cancelled they can’t do anything but put me on stand by for a flight leaving at 5pm Saturday. Well that just won’t do. Call up a rental car place, and tell them I need a car with GPS, and I’m leaving it in Buffalo.

Budget is the only company with any cars left. They have two one ways, a Burban and an Elantra. Ok give me the Chevy, they give me a reservation number. Take the shuttle over and wait in line for 45 min to get up to the counter. Well now its past 12. They say my reservation was only good for the previous day and they rented out the burban already.

So I take out my new hotrod.

Car is the crappiest peice I have ever driven. The thing has 9k miles and it is toast. Armrest broke, cloth destroyed, over all condition is 4/10. Ok w/e I need to get home. Long streatches with the pedal to the metal net me a top speed of 95 mph, gps indicated 96mph max speed. On a long downhill slope I managed a gps indicated 116 mph.

Well I drove all night and drove right up to klinehands where the grad was. There is a door guy taking tickets right out front. I pull a Blues Brother and park the shit on the curb. They guys says I can’t park there, and I tell him I drove all night and to keep the car. He laughs and says I better get inside and opens the door for me. It started at 9am and I arrived a little late, since I didn’t get the rental car out until about 1.30 am. Needless to say I made it and watch my fiancee, leaving she saw me and ran up for a big ol’ hug. :cry: It was close, and I missed a little but I made it.

GPS showed a total of ~575 miles.

Total driving time was ~7 hours 45 min.

Average speed ~74 mph.

Total stopped time 15 min 11 seconds.

The last ~1 hour of the trip the tranny in the car would slip, hit the rev limiter and slam into gear. I guess you can’t drive an Eleantra for ~8 hours balls to the wall. Not my car. Returned it no problems later that day.

I slept a total of 6 hours from Friday morning until tonight. <3 it.

Good training for the rally this year? Well I hope to get a little better top speed out of my car. :lol:

The things people do.

lol@ average speed. thats an accomplishment for driving 8 hours with no tickets.

I figured if I got pulled over I’d just start singing the letter song by joe cocker and dance my way out of the ticket?

"Give me a ticket for an airoplane
I ain’t got time to take no fast train
Oh ,the lonely days are gone
I’ll be right home
My baby she wrote me a letter

I don’t care how much money I got to spend
I won’t find my way home again
Oh the lonely days are gone
I’ll be right home
My baby, she wrote me a letter"

Avg speed is a little low, but stop time is a little low as well. (Yes, I mean that exactly how I said it.).

I’m sure you’ll do fine this summer :wink:

Thankfully we do it mostly rested.

nicely done.
I thought me making a 585 mile trip in just 8 hours was bad.

What a piece of junk.

Reminds me of the piece of crap lexus that my brother bought in Fort Lauderdale, and we drove it back in 23 hours, no stopping.

200k miles, the brakes were so warped that it would shake like crazy, and two bald tires.

but how was the mpg? Thats actually a decent looking car to bad people beat the living shit out of rentals…

I hate United.

I’ve only had good flying experiences with Southwest and JetBlue

I thought your weekend summary was going to include the explanation for this:

To post a pic or not to post a pic of the real weekend summary, hmmm.

omg you have a picture at the party? post it plz