My Trip to georgia

As many of you know I went to Georgia this past week for a weeks time to setup our new branch with computers/camera system and just general cleaning up and getting ready to be operational.

So my trip started with me driving 2 hours to hartford CT to meet up with bob… bob had the straight truck we were driving down so I had to meet with him there… I then left my car at the airport so no one had to come pick me up when I got back.

6am on the way to hartford

Then I got to hartford to await my limo down to georgia

Ohhh yeahhh


So yea needless to say the 21 hour drive down there STRAIGHT! we dident stop once… Was the most uncomfortable ride I have ever had… Was stiffer than any car around here topped out at 75 and ate thru gas worse than a fat chick in a cookie factory

I dident take many pictures on the drive as the ability to keep my phone level while in the truck was nearly impossible you couldent make out pictures to save your life.

I did see this integra with the front looking normal ride height… but the back was low like it was riding on bump stops and the wheels were sticking out in a neg camber fashion

We finaly got to georgia around 3:30 am

Then obvious what better things to take pictures of than cars with big shiney wheels! OOOOO I like shiney!

I saw quite a few donks but unfortunatly I was driving and was unable to get pictures of them

the 2 most amazeing ones were stock ford escort and a stock crown vic raised 4-5 inches with stock wheels :rofl

Then I saw this gem one morning, a rusted POS with a cardboard license plate

That was later avenged by this beautiful thing

This is the nicest vehicle ive seen while I was down there

And here what I was down there for

nice pic of the sky !!!

thats hilarious how many pics u got of the cars w/ dubs LOL !

so 21 hours in that truck?!!!?

fuck that L:OL !

I drive a box truck like that for work and I couldnt being in it for 21 hours straight. We have a POS '97 Isuzu (same as the GMC) with 268k and its slower than death. The '08 UD we have is a bit faster but theres a governor for every gear and it shifts way too quick (junk automatic). Top speed is set at 70. Hitting 70 downhill is like hitting a brick wall. The old POS will do 75 down a hill with a strong tailwind.

Why was it 21hrs?

I made it from Albany to Harrisonburg, VA to Clearwater, FL in 20. I also made it from Albany to Charlotte, NC in 12.5hrs. You guys did 65mph the whole way? I did 80 at least the entire time.

That must have been a ride from hell

These trucks dont go fast. 4 cylinder diesel with an automatic ftl.

and i hope u stopped to piss and take shits, hit on girls, and get food ?

you took the G20 to GA? :rofl

nice pice of the (insert ethnic group here) and there cars with donks

jeff why are you looking for a new sig?

booo! my sig got edited out…anyone good with phone shop who wants to make me a funny sig?

meena send me your old sig over pm.

i missed the whole thing. then it got taken away by half indian mods.

reading > you

So my trip started with me driving 2 hours to hartford CT to meet up with bob… bob had the straight truck we were driving down so I had to meet with him there… I then left my car at the airport so no one had to come pick me up when I got back.

So yea needless to say the 21 hour drive down there STRAIGHT! we dident stop once… Was the most uncomfortable ride I have ever had… Was stiffer than any car around here topped out at 75 and ate thru gas worse than a fat chick in a cookie factory

abnd sorry for the confusion, we stopped to get gas… take piss/shit

other than that we didetn stop

and every 3-4 hours we were filling that bitch of a truck up