Skyline R32 GTR Front Clip... I need one...

So, I’m starting a project this weekend and I need to get my hands on an R32 GTR front clip. I need to get measurements and locations for the upper shock mounts and the third link upper mount… Of course, if there’s anyone out there that bought a full front clip and just used the engine and would be willing to donate it to my project, that would be great too…

Think AWD GTR powered '86 BMW E30…

AWD GTR E30… seen it. although maybe you’d be done with it before him. lol

goto japan star in albany

take measurements… etc. maybe buy one if they still have one.

^ Don’t think they have front clips though!

worth a shot. its only 15 min from here. wouldnt hurt to look!

Or just call. :rofl

Your not thinking Newman are you? Unless things have drastically changed since I last looked, his build is most definitely NOT AWD.

ah, good point. I tend to gloss over the details of a 300+ page build :lol

Tell me about it, siq none-the-less… and AWD would be pretty neatO too.

they had a few revIII 3SGTE SW20 MR2 rear clips last time i was there :lol

The have front clips, I was there last week. No BNR32 front clips though.

I meant BNR32 lol

Well, hopefully I can find the remaining parts that I need and get this turd on the road this summer…

If anyone hears of any R32 GTR front clips in the area, please let me know…

And I will start a build thread as soon as I start the destruction of the E30 this weekend…

And if there’s anyone out there that need parts from an E30 325e, I’ll be trying to sell the stuff I’m not going to use to help fund this build…

pics of said car?

make a project thread :slight_smile: lots of bimmer fanbois on here

What seats are in it? LSD? Heater blower (depending on what version)