Skyrim Xbox 360 Game

Bought it a few weeks ago, not really that impressed at all with it and looking to sell it. Paid $60 and change for it brand new from Walmart so I’d be happy to get atleast $40 OBO.

Game was literally played for about 8-9 hours.

you will not be impressed with the game untill you get past the 20 hour point after that it at like level 25 or 30 for your character if you have played smart the game is fucking awesome

ditch skyrim, buy Dark Souls.

truth. I borrowed a copy and I like the game but just can’t get into it as much as the past ones…yet. I’d buy this one and sit on it but it’s xbox :cry:

yeah its a real boring game until you start getting into the point you can become an assasin or smith the cool armors and weapons. I’m lvl 30 right now and just smithed one of the best armors and strongest weapons in the game and now its fun. But the first 20 hours were kinda boring and blah

Why were they boring though?

You basically have to grind alot in the game. Repetition. Same with Dark souls. Probably 50 of the some odd 75 hours I have into that game are just from level grinding so I can spend 20 minutes of game play to beat a boss or to invade someone elses game and murder them. Skyrim is similar

I see… im still super pumped to get it for christmas.

I bought the game thinking that it was more of an MMORPG, like if you play on Xbox Live you could play with everyone else who has it, which unfortunately is not the case.

I should have done more research :lol