Xbox 360

So did anyone get one of these today?

I have been looking at ebay and there selling for over a grand… I had no intentions of owning one, but now i wish i would have bought one to sell on ebay.

i tried to get one just to sell on ebay but no luck.there was one that went for 1800 in new castle PA

i heard one went for 4200 bucks thats insane

I played call of duty 2 on one at walmart, I have to admit I was very impressed, the graphics were amazing.

Games: Xbox 360 Very Unstable
Posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday November 23, @08:27AM
from the can’t-say-anyone-is-surprised dept.
fmwap writes “There have been several postings over at Xbox-scene complaining of crashing Xbox’s on new games, with default settings on single player. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup have been reported too, and Project Gotham Racing 3 crashes before finishing the first lap. Screenshots and Video are available showing the crash.”


yeah my buddy got one.

My sister bought one yesterday, I still havent played or really care to play it.

I guessed that this thing would be a rushed hunk of junk many moons ago. I was right.

haha I played Call of Duty 2 for an hour at Best Buy the other day. Good game but I think you need an HD plasma to get the advertised picture quality. The game play was awsome…aiming through the sights and quality blood splatter made the game more realistic. I’m curious to see how badly PS3 blows XBox360 out of the water.

buy it now 5k

I had an oppertunity to get one at retail price, but I turned it down. There really weren’t any launch titles I wanted.

(everyone else tells me I should have gotten it for Call of Duty, but I only play first person shooters with a keyboard and a mouse.)


Played last night… OMFG… it is the best thing since sliced bread - Graphics insane!

which game? i’ve only played the game with the girl who morphs into different monsters(?)… it was kind of like a Jak & Daxter game.

x 360

Not sure of the name but it involved cars haha… I didn’t really care what it was called I was just happy I was in Xbox 360’s surroundings lol

i’m working on a multiplayer FPS game been testing a couple levels i’ve made and framerate gets crappy on my laptop but seems to work good otherwise

I wanted to make an Unreal Tournament CTF or Domination level of a local high school, complete with halls full of children and teachers, but I’ve got way too much shit going on.

haha, I did this with quake 1 back in the day with my HS. I got the general shape of the classrooms and hallways and ditched the project because of boredom.

the original xbox first run had bugs as well. the games out right now are garbage anyway… when NCAA football 07 comes out then i’ll get one. here’s some bull shit thou. to play regular x-box games you can’t get just the core unit… FUCK THAT, keep your dumb ass wireless controllers. i’ll get one when they go down to like $250 for everything. buying one to sell on ebay is like buyin a max allotment of concert tickets and then the concert not selling out, your gonna get stuck with it.