Anyone Buying The New Xbox 360?

If so post your reviews and thoughts. :slight_smile:

apparently it does not perform nearly as well as they are saying, thats all i have really read in the papers.

I have only heard on both the news and reviews that it looks amazing and plays amazing but I am not paying 699 for a system.

Meh, iā€™ll wait for the PS3.

I paid 399 for mineā€¦

I heard it isnā€™t even 100% backward compatible with the old xbox gamesā€¦ only a few of them work. That sucks, considering, itā€™s still a PC insideā€¦ Intel CPU, ATI video card, etcā€¦

I personally like PS, so Iā€™ll wait for PS3 to come outā€¦

Actually itā€™s an IBM CPU that was originally a PPC Processor (MAC) minus cetrain instruction sets.

Huh, interesting comments so far.

I wonā€™t be getting one of these for sure but Iā€™m just curious what people who do have one think.

Iā€™m kinda partial to Sony my self.

Actually itā€™s an IBM CPU that was originally a PPC Processor (MAC) minus cetrain instruction sets.[/quote]

ok, I thought it was an intel cpuā€¦ so itā€™s just a risc cpuā€¦different than a cisc one, but itā€™s still a cpu that people use on PCā€™s (or macā€™s in this case).

I just donā€™t see why they couldnā€™t emulate (w/ software) those cisc instructions and make old xbox games compatibleā€¦

backward compatibility was a huge selling point for PS2 and will be also for PS3ā€¦

just to touch further on the POWERPC processorsā€¦itā€™s no where near a pc processor. It has half the pipelines for the data to transfer back and forth, as well as being 64 bit.

The ā€œclock speedā€ is 9.6ghzā€¦3 g5 processors stackedā€¦and a mac clockspeed is rated MUCH lower than a pc processor.

Anyways, youā€™ll all have to remember that the first initial games will suck more or less, it usually takes 6months to a year to get a game with decent game play.

once again microshaft has to use something from a mac to make moneyā€¦suprise suprise, thats all Bill is good atā€¦


im getting PS3, just like i got PS2 instead of xboxā€¦ just like i got PS1 instead of N64ā€¦ just like Iā€™ll get PS4 instead of whatever else comes along

Actually itā€™s an IBM CPU that was originally a PPC Processor (MAC) minus cetrain instruction sets.[/quote]

ok, I thought it was an intel cpuā€¦ so itā€™s just a risc cpuā€¦different than a cisc one, but itā€™s still a cpu that people use on PCā€™s (or macā€™s in this case).

I just donā€™t see why they couldnā€™t emulate (w/ software) those cisc instructions and make old xbox games compatibleā€¦

backward compatibility was a huge selling point for PS2 and will be also for PS3ā€¦[/quote]

By CISC I assume you are referring to x86 and I totally agree, not implementing backwards compatibility shot microsoft in the foot.

lucky, PPC processors have shorter and thicker pipes thus improving the floating point effeciency over the longer and narrow pipes used in x86 (cisc).

video games are opiates

do something constructive with your time.

Youā€™re a troll, stop wasting your precious time posting here. :hsugh:

Iā€™m still rockin my Nintendo 8-bit :wavey:

I played 360 the other night. Call of Duty 2 I thinkā€¦ Donā€™t exactly remember, but it was a war game and the graphics were sexy. Watched the trailer for Perfect Dark Zero and nearly shat myself, I want it! Although gay to the max, the sports games looked incredibly real too. Sweat beading and dripping off heads, ripples in uniforms from windā€¦

Me rikey, but me got better things to spend all my money on. 8)

Yeah saw the trailer for Call of Duty 2, looked pretty good, but not worth buying a system over.

well, as I already own, famicom, nintendo supernintendo, genesis, saturn, dreamcast, real 3d0, gamecube, ps2, xboxā€¦ and that I have a feeling this will go the same way as the dreamcast did (too little too soon kinda deal) Iā€™m staying away until I either see something really worth buying it for, or the lottary.

reason why I say ā€œby the way of the dreamcastā€ is, this system is honestly nothing spectacular, our average game based PCā€™s are comparable in qualityof graphics and gameplay (with the right controller) There is no obvious or apparent technological upgrade beyond what we already have available. I mean this machine honestly is yet again, a comuter in a fancy self inclosed case with some brand specific hardware. As well I have noticed from the game lineup so far, that most of the titles available for it now, are available for the other systems, including the original xbox. Now, what advantages do the PS3, and the Revolution have on this. Well 2 more years of development, and a lot of things can happen within 2 years of technology. Nintendo and Sony have no seen what theyā€™re up against and can easily make changes to both systems prior to mass production that will make the 360 seem like a supernintendo against a game cube. granted there are still titles I enjoy on the snes, but it really canā€™t hold a handle to is.

So Microsoft, has to have some big balls to bring out this system, first within such a short period of thier last release, and when there is not yet any competition. They took a machine that isnā€™t very much better and are now thinking it will have a ghost of a chance against systems that are not even yet past the proto stage.

So, when Revo and PS3 hit the store, what will microsoft have, a 2 - 3 year old system using old hardware, that people are bored of. Now again the ā€œway of the dreamcastā€ A great deal of the people involved in the US release of the Dreamcast are now involved with the 360, and keeping in mind what a flop the DC was over here, one has to wonder will history repeat itself. The only major difference I see between the DC and the 360, is that the 360 has the support of both EA nd Square Enix, where the DC didnā€™t. As wel the DC also was released with the (in japan) smash hit Final Fantasy 8. More people bought FF8 than the DC. The 360 had nothing to compete against on its release, Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s a good or bad thig yet. But the artificial ā€˜shortageā€™ of the system is just a way to make something that no one really need seem more fantastic, and exotic. The phrase ā€œI got a 360 for x-masā€ will give any child instant popularity, regardless of weather or not the thing is actually any darn good.

Just my point O twoā€¦ but something tells me Iā€™m going to be right about it, and to get it will be a fruitless venture, and youā€™re supporting Micr$oft at the same time, which is in my book some what of a NO NO. I do have an xbox yes, but itā€™s modded and it is used almost entirely for the purpose of oldschool emulators and roms. and the odd downloadedxbox game that passes my fancy.

enjoy. but I wouldnā€™t pay more than 199 for it. I see nothing that would make it ever worth more.

Do I like Microsoft? NO
Do I think Bill Gates is a genius? YES (say what you will, he is rich and I am not)
Do I own a 360? NO
Will I? As soon as I see a mod and what it does

My take?
360 may be another PC, blah, blah, blah.
I could sit here and rant and rave about Microsoft but I wonā€™t fight a fight I can win.
Microsoft can do whatever they want, face it, they do make good products every once in a while, like XBOX.

I own an XBOX, it is modded and I wouldnā€™t trade it in for a PS2 or whatever anyday.
I have downloaded over $5,000 worth of games for the price of my internet connection. No burning on DVDā€™s to play, just FTP into the 200GB HD in the xbox. My XBOX is a media centre too. Watch all movies, play music, even watch movie trailers off with it (no joke).

I say screw all the ranting and raving, bitching and moaning.
In the end the success will be based on the guys out there who will open up the 360 mod without a chip, up the hard drive and install crazy software.

Only time will tell.

Itā€™s sitting in my basement, apparently my bro bought it.

I know NOTHING about itā€¦hahaha.