Anyone Buying The New Xbox 360?

Ya to comment on what scibbles posted this wont go the way of dreamcast. Dreamcast (which I own lol) was a last ditch effort by a nearly bankrupt company to get a part of market share and was released at the wrong time since only a short time after ps2 came out and surpased it alot with its hardware.

So what if Microsoft builds their gamming machines like a computer it prolly is done for a reason I can see developers not complaining about how easy it must be to port a PC based game for xbox since its the same hardware platform. Rather then for PS2 which requires alot more work to make sure the in game engines work properly.

This new systems specs are preaty damn amazing, who for a home pc is running 9GHz or processing power? regardless of what chipset it is. When it comes down to it the hardware dose not make the system what makes it is specs and games. Just to let you know the PS3 is built like a COMPUTER this time here are the specs just to you guys can know who has more power ect. Also Microsoft just announced that more then 200 of the xbox games are backwards compatible with 360 and the list will be posted on the 360 website for viewing soon.

PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
512KB L2 cache
7 x SPE @3.2GHz
7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE
RSX @550MHz
1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance
Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels
Multi-way programmable parallel floating point shader pipelines
256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz

3 symmetrical cores at 3.2 GHz each (more then ps3)
1 MB L2 cache (more then ps3)
Custom ATI Graphics Processor
-500 MHz
-10 MB embedded DRAM
-48-way parallel floating-point shader pipelines
-unified shader architecture
Memory (more then ps3)
-700 MHz DDR

Regardless of what anyone wants to say Microsoft has at least one thing going for it MONEY. Almost endless streams of money. If Bill Gates wanted to he could wipe the PS2 or PS3 off the map which he prolly intends to do. Look at all the Sony only developers which has slowy started to make games for the xbox platform and all the new developers which release for xbox first. The way I am calling it XBOX 360 is a better peice of hardware that they got out half a year before PS3 will and the PS3 realisticly wont be out till this time next year and not be new it will just have a bunch of 360 games ported over for it at lower graphics specs and have a few new games for release. If I was going to go out and buy a system next year it would be a 360 since I know how Bill Gates works with buisness and I know the system is not going anywhere. Sorry to all the Sony lovers but I could care a less of the badge on the system if you look at the whole scene its preaty clear whats going down.

Does 360 do 1080p?

I think you mean 1080i or 720p

I might be getting a dozen of these this weekend, if anyone’s interested, i’l make a poll in the For Sale section.


I think you mean 1080i or 720p[/quote]

?? I think you need to think before you post.

I think you mean 1080i or 720p[/quote]

?? I think you need to think before you post.[/quote]

I think he wasn’t aware of 1080p.

Google > You both

yes 360 dose 1080 dpi all games created for 360 MUST by support 780 or 1080 dpi resolutions which I think is cool.

I think you mean 1080i or 720p[/quote]

?? I think you need to think before you post.[/quote]

TV’s that support 1080p will upconvert a 1080i/720p signal. From what I know there is no consumer 1080p signal source…

I was one of the first people to ever own xbox, I bought it the day it came out and now I hardly play it, not so much because I don’t like it, I think it’s a great system, it’s just I have no time to play it, right now in my life making the time to sleep is becoming an issue :frowning: .

As cool as the xbox 360 might be, there’s tons of people that have problems with them. Overheating, shutting down in middle of a game and OS crashing…
Here is the article with some pics:


Also, check their forums:

that’s a HUGE 40+ page thread about the problems people are having with the first batch of xbox’s.

Kinda sucks though… I have a feeling MS just rushed this out before the holiday season so they can make money off of it and also to release it before the PS3.

edit: or you can just get one that works for sure! 1500 bucks will get you there…

well I knew it was going to fail, just not so spectacularly ! woo !

I think I’m going to send micro$oft a paddle so they have a chance of getting out of the $h|t creek. LOL bwaa haa haa

yeah… no comment…

yeah… no comment…[/quote]

Someone should make a site, and take donations for bail, after they beat the fuck out of those losers… Did you see the video? Most retarded thing I’ve ever seen. Not clever, not funny, and there are way better things to donate money to than a bunch of geeky virgins who like to break things…

I just can’t believe that people would stand in line in the freezing cold just to buy an xbox LOL…these must be the same losers that line up outside the movie theaters whenever a new Star wars or Star trek movie comes out.


well, MS is officially getting sued for the defective xbox units.;_ylt=Avt_eKqU8XE9ImOXQIbHoaoDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

The PR rep said that a very small number of the new xbox units are defective, but I somehow don’t believe that it’s that small.

If you go to xbox forums, you’ll see tons of people that got a defective xbox.

That’s why you never buy the first line up of anything.

I’ll wait for the v2.0 of the PS3 as well.

very true…

btw, how many revisions did the PS2 go through? 11? LOL
and that’s not even counting the new PS2 slim (I think they have 2 versions of that one… v12 and v13)

edit: whoever bought the new xbox, don’t change it’s position (vertical to horizontal and vice versa) while a dvd is in there. It’ll scratch the dvd and probably ruin the disc.

Here’s the video showing that: