Slowest Ferrari ever.

Guess rednecks aren’t the only ones butchering third-gens.

that guy is such an idiot…it’s an automatic at that…dude couldn’t even get the tires to keep on spinning…and we all know he tried to…leave the f-bodies alone people


this car has been citied in Sewickly. the new driver is a known fag and loves soccer


He’s foreign. He’s just confused.


Damn mexicans

Reminds me of the Hyndai Bentley.

N bombs FTL

They don’t know any better it seems

isn’t that the same outfit you were wearing at the mills friday :dunno:

What does it say on the front bumper?

Someone please tell me that does not say “Ferrari F-4”.

It does

is that for real?

sadly its not the first car i’ve seen done like that. at Carisle they had a trans am that was done like a ferrari. it was kinda neat looking but still wrong. guy was gonna buy it for 12 grand in cash, i was surprised

Mine was blue and white and much tighter around my buxom chest.


using the word Buxom + 100 points

WTF, that pole smoker doesn’t even deserve to wear the vodophone logo.

Fastest tomato picker evar!!!