Slowmarro has a hidden fascination with male genitalia.

You’re seriously telling me about highschool withdrawal and growing up after your love affair with your class rings and being locked to trash bin for acting like a kid?


but did he put a class ring on his penis?

It’s learned vlad… Not learn… Learned…

Vlad is god.

Pretty sure it’s “little do you know”

Good, as long as we are on the same page.

Have nice day.

God vlad, high school. Two words vlad… Not one. Two.


“vlad” should be capitalized. “Two.” isn’t a proper sentence.

I make a joke and post a meme, then all of a sudden a wild sbardy appears


I love how people get such a hard on for your and you’re… they don’t care if every single word is misspelled and no other grammar has been used, but god forbid you don’t use the right “your”

It’s Sbardy… sbardy Should be capitalized also Sir Vlad.

So it’s ok to post racist threads and leave them out in public view but we can’t talk about cock?

Oh hai.

LOL @ people correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes while making similar mistakes themselves - this includes Vlad, sbardy, and others.

I’ve never corrected anyone on this site. I think it’s funny when people do… Basically saying you’re more educated than others.

And I’m busting Sir Vlads balls because he is perfect.

You got trolled by an internet meme :rofl

You know damn straight im gonna watch my use of your and you’re from now on. Fuck

fuck punctuation this is the fucking internet and most of us are like gorillas typing anyway

And this isnt just another picture post but Im including a picture.

My point exactly pjb.

I think its gay that Vlad(not vlad) took the time to go copy and paste all of johns comments about PENIS(not penis) you sir may be gay since u are strictly looking for PENIS and ghey comments.