Slowmarro has a hidden fascination with male genitalia.

This thread sucks. Moving to trash bin lol.

Well played :rofl

no I think it was pretty clear im saying your gay.


Sooooooo am I gay or just a normal human joking with friends ?

you are normal. vlad is the weird one here

I dont know John but you do give a hell of a handjob

I don’t do handies , I’m told my hands are to ruff

well damn, that one time up at the garage mustve been the last time then.


so ya ban me and john for calling another member gay, but you come on here and start a thread calling john gay. fucking dictator, i hope God strikes you with lightning

You need to use oil, 5w should be good and thin this time of year. :rofl

you REALLY made this thread? SERIOUSLY?

you are so up and down it is honestly RE DICK YOU LOS