slowrock vs choko

Got paired up against choko’s cavy and i was very impressed in that untuned car with no traction haha Ran once from a dig 0 - about 90 i was ahead not sure by how much wasnt really looking back but my gears started to whine loud and he got passed me then would love to see that on the track with some slicks great time tho


Got paired up against choko’s cavy and i was very impressed in that untuned car with no traction haha Ran once from a dig 0 - about 90 i was ahead not sure by how much wasnt really looking back but my gears started to whine loud and he got passed me then would love to see that on the track with some slicks great time tho


I’m not kidding. That’s all 1 sentence.

well hey that works as well i don’t post many threads


… what?


good run.
i miss my camaros ;(

Somewhere disturbed is playing in the background

funtimes :tup:


Somewhere disturbed is playing in the background


in the background? we only rock it front and center. you 2nd gen owners know that :wink: