Small boat trailer, $200 (also small sailboat available)

In good shape, 1981 Sprint, 600lb capacity, good for a 12’ to 14’ boat. It was stored inside for 15 years, outside before that. I towed it home from PA with no problems. This trailer came with one of my small sailboats, it came from PA and I didn’t want to make a return trip to have the title signed over, I have a copy of the title from the previous owner but that won’t do any good, will have to be registered as homemade, very simple, I have done it before. (the boat is for sale too, it’s on a NEW trailer $1100, $1000 with old trailer)

The boat no-one here would be interested in, it’s listed on Craigslist. But if anyone is curious or interested it’s a 1981 AMF Puffer that was used very little, and stored inside unused for 15 years. The sails are still crisp, it’s a great boat if you want to learn to sail. If you can sail this thing in high winds without capsizing you can sail anything ( I have sailed it, and capsized it :slight_smile: ) I have 3 boats right now, would like to get that down to 2. Until I find another one I can make a small profit on :slight_smile:

would a jetski fit on it?

I really want to learn how to sail. I wish I had money.

Yeah, as long as it weighs less than 600 lbs. You may need some longer bunks.