small racial rant..

It builds character…or furthers racial tension…

Its a double standard because PC pussies cower in fear every time some minority yells racism of starts bitching. People need to grow a set of balls and tell the whiners to shut the fuck up. People with the “give me for free, Im entitled” mentality will never be satisfied. They will always want more. Might as well tell them to fuck off now.

People look at him and think they’re going to get shot, and you’re wondering why it’s difficult for a decent black person to make it through life and be successful without any help?

And your comments about psychology like the vast majority of engineers are doing the world so much good by their efforts = :blah:

LOL!!! :bloated: WHAT???


Corey you just owned yourself, many many:grammar: Engineers make a difference all the time in so many aspects.

However, take a look at the majority of the psych doctors out there. They just toss pills at everyone, causing a decline in drug dealers profits only to create an increase of the rx drugs in the hands of the public.

My major was psych (specifically child) because I wanted to help kids deal with alot of the stress they have on them growing up in this generation. Specifically, help them learn how to work around things without medication instead of saying yep mother fucker you have ADD heres Adderol now get the fuck outta my office.

Then I realized I make more money than most of them, so said fuck it.

clif’s Corey you suck and lost/

look at Fry, an engineer making one more custom title to entertain the rest of us every time he signs on<3
pps where’s mine!!!

It seems RedGoober meant UB Engineers and not engineers in general. This I can understand. UB Engineering is full of tools that couldn’t figure their way out of a cardboard box.

disagreed, like I said before Many Many once again :grammar: engineers make a difference all the time INCLUDING some UB engineers, like all schools they result in tons of fucking retards popping out of them.

Any idiot can read books, listen to lectures and pass tests.
Now if you can put common sense and the knowledge you have learned together to help an industry in which you choose to enter. Then we’re good to go.

it’s ok Jack I still <3 ya and I do hate quite a few of UB’s programs I just know a few successful engineers that have spent their years there.

FYI a college degree does not mean you are smart of anywhere near qualified for a job in the field you obtained it in.
A job/career requires common sense to go along with “book smarts”

:stuck_out_tongue: It can’t be forced sukka. You’ll get one when I get inspiration.

Engineers without sense? Never!

If Praxair would let me I’d interview interns by setting down some parts and tools in front of them and telling them to build me something. There’s no reason why an engineer should have to be shown which way to spin a drill or which direction you turn the stem to close a globe valve. Both of which I’ve dealth with. :picard:

Wow hahaha

Everyone sucks equally

ive found if you have to tell a mans color referring to him as a “black dude” eases my uncomfortable-ness of the situation

what really sucked is when my black friend asked me the name of a certain notorious BIG song as it was playing on my stereo - reference

cd 1, song # 11.

only response I could think of was ‘uhh… i cant tell you…?’

we shared a laugh after he remembered.

OH storybook time!

Since I’m so altruistic, being a ChemE major and all, it’s below me to argue with somebody that wouldn’t understand all of the sacrifices I make to better the world around me. :bloated: :bloated: :bloated:

That dude’s “friend” probably got financial aid because he was poor, not because he was black.

Nothing good can come of these threads…

It’s foolish to have “pride” in your race. Makes no sense. Being proud of something means you achieved something. IE: I’m proud I worked hard in school and got a good job, I’m proud I put money away for a house, I’m proud I won the Olympics, etc.

By your parents doing the no pants dance, you achieved nothing. You’re their seed. Nothing more. You did nothing to achieve this. It kills me how “proud” people are of being _____.

That said, I’m fucking proud to be Polish!


:clap: Joe I love you. In a non-gay manly sort of way… :uhh:

the funny thing is we are all human.

I’m a UB Engineer. I can’t spell, but I can build things. I know usually its righty tighty lefty losey, except on propane and maybe other gas lines?
I’ll be done in may want to make me an offer? I have 2.5 years experience.

On Subject: As carnut said, we do all equally suck.

“I am proud to be xxxxxx”, where xxxxxx = a racial/ethnic group always struck me as stupid regardless of which particular group it was. It is nothing to either be proud of, or ashamed of. It is simply a fact. It’s not like “I am proud to have been named the winner of the Nobel Prize in physicis”. Now that would be a personal accomplishment and therefore something to be proud of. But what kind of accomplishment is it that you were born in a certain place or to parents who come from a certain background? None at all, IMNSHO. It is not something which you had anything to do with.

Thnigs which are therefore stupid:

White Pride
Black Pride
Gay Pride

Similarly, as an American, should I be “ashamed” because of slavery? Of fucking course not. I didn’t do it. So why the fuck would I be ashamed of it???

And so on.