HAHA finally someone got it right....fuck black history month


Morgan Freeman says the concept of a month dedicated to black history is “ridiculous.”

didnt read the link
already agree with what he said

until russian history month
(proceed with russian bashing)


he is now my second hero on this subject, My first hero is Bill Cosby and his whole speech.

Freeman notes there is no “white history month,” and says the only way to get rid of racism is to “stop talking about it.”

exactly. If they can have black history month, “african american” scholarships, yadda yadda, why can’t we have white history month or scholarships exclusively for white people?

I think we should have ‘economically disadvantaged’ scholarships. That way, the ones that need the money would get the money regardless of race. The majority of those granted would be to African-Americans just because of sheer economic statistics, but it wouldn’t be based because of race.

What’s everyone think?

simple thats racists

Arn’t double standards great.

Sonny are you prepared for the shit storm that is brewing with this thread??? :rofl:

That is a better idea.

I’m tired of people that pull the race card. Its ok to give me stuff because I’m purple, but if there is a APB out on a purple person for shooting a cop, thats racial profiling and you can’t do that. :rolleyes:

I think the whole race thing is a difficult situation because it is hard to put a blanket over all of America and say they’re all racist or they’re not all racist.
For instance, there are plenty of cops out there that aren’t racist, but I’m sure there are a few. One of my black friends got pulled over on the highway for going 10mph over the speed limit. He is a good kid, went to a private high school where he was an all star baseball player, went to Pitt’s business school and graduated with honors, and is now a pharm. sales rep for Phizer. The kid is as clean cut as you can get. Anyways, back to the story. He got pulled over doing 10mph over the speed limit in Ohio. They asked him to get out of the car and then they had him stand up against the car and searched him. After this they proceeded to handcuff him and put him in the back of the police car. They ran the plates and everything came out fine. They let him go with no ticket or anything. I was amazed when he told me this story because I’ve gotten pulled over several times (110 in a 65) (55 in a 25) and never had to get out of the car once. I’m not saying that all cops are racist, but I am saying that it is still an issue. How are we to fix it? I’m not really sure :dunno:

Oh and i’m not trying to take a high horse and say everyone else is racist and I’m not. I know that I have certian dispositions towards people that aren’t justified just as much as anyone else.

Point wasn’t about cops, that was just an example of a double standard on how a person may glorify their skin color when it gets them free shit, but when it produces a negative they automatically complain they are being racially profiled.

If you are going to bitch about racial profiling and the negatives you should be complaining that you are being racially profiled when you’re recieving that nice big check or free shit for whatever.

everybodys pretty cool except those fuckin muslum pagen bastards

and me when he hasn’t gotten his daily dose of cawk…

i don’t agree with black history month either…
i don’t understand the need for it.
american history weither its black white, red, yellow, etc…should be honored all year round…why single out a month.

second…like i’ve argued wtih people on here before.

there are reasons why there are “black” oriented TV, scholorships, Radio, affermative action etc…
like i’ve told sight & sound a ton of times…why is there BET?..cause every other channel is WET.

I wish there didn’t have to be those types of things, but there does.

all the people on here that bitch about it & say its not fair…blah, blah blah…

thats fine…& it shows that you think we don’t need it & eveyone shold be treated equally which is good, but it also show that you think that people do get treated equally & the problem is they don’t.

I totally agree with this article.

In high school I was on this kick that you wouldn’t use the word black , because had it been 2 white guys you would have used clothing, hairstyles and what not. I guess I believed that describing him as black was not necessairily being a racist, but

I totally agree with this article.

In high school I was on this kick that you wouldn’t use the word black to describe someone. If 2 white guys were walking down the street you would describe them using clothing, hairstyles and what not. I guess I believed that describing a guy as black wasn’t right? Crazy I know, but maybe that is what Morgan is wanting in this article. That there shouldn’t be a difference?
Then again, you can’t change skin color. If I was walking down the street in the summer next to a friend of mine that didn’t tan as much as I do, I’m sure I would be described as “the tan one”.

but anywho, i always thought there shouldn’t be a black history month. Not becuase I believe black people shouldn’t celebrate their heritage, but because I believe it sets the apart from everyone else even further.

no its because your racially closed mind THINKS every other channel is WET. :rolleyes:

Its called fucking television. I watch entertainers all the time and on all “my” so called channels there is a mix of white and black entertainers. Don’t give me that crap about “well its only a minority of the entertainers out there”. Guess what if they were any good they would be on TV, weather they were black, white, red, purple, or blue. Deal with it.

this is EXACTLY what it does.

The best is to see a white dude porking a black chick. Pornos have a great varitey, too bad TV hasnt stepped up to that. :kekegay:

Bottom line to this, you can’t fight, bitch, and complain about wanting desegregation, yet still keep the segregation that is benificial. Thats plain bullshit.

do some research & find out how hard it was for Bernie Mac, Dave chappell, George Lopez & other popular monorities to get a TV show.

talking to you is like a brick wall…you think everyone is treated equal & eveyone has the “american dream” oppertunity & fact is they they don’t