HAHA finally someone got it right....fuck black history month

I agree with the article. I mean if they are going to “declare” february black history month, at least “declare” the other 11 white history months or something.
Being in college and talking to my friends I have noticed a few things…
It is much harder for a white middle class kid to get any money for school compared to a black or hispanic middle class.
And as much as companies say they don’t, they still try and fill the ‘quota’. On applications for work, they leave it optional to say your race. So if you are a minority you mark it cause you have a better chance. If you are white you don’t. But they know.
I’ve gone over this with many people before, if we are going to be ‘fair’ and ‘equal’ these things need to go away. But its not going to happen because of the stupid people in the NAACP!

FYI, thats hard for everyone.

The fact is the minority has more opportunities available than the majority.

thank you you beat me to it…

And its not our fault if the dumbasses don’t take advantage of it. They sit around and bitch yet don;t take advantage, so why not open it up like delsow said to all people who are finacially unsound and want to better them selves. You act like ALL white people are born with a scholarship :rolleyes:

: bernie mac is not funny
: cedric the entertainer is not funny
: Martin lawrence is funny
: dave chapelle is not funny
: eddie murphy is funny
: wanda sykes is funny
: Chris rock is funny
: Mike epps is not funny
: george lopez is funny
: the cosby shows are horrible, Bill cosbys standups >*

Ask any producer of a tv show if they’d hire the white person over a black person and I think if they answered honestly they would say they would hire the white person. Is it racism? I don’t believe so. The measuring stick for a good tv show is based on how many people watch the show. One of the reasons people get connected to TV shows is that they can relate to the characters. Shows such as Friends were a big hit because the majority of America (who is white) could relate to the characters. A basic way we connect to people initially is based on common physical traits. In order to get the highest amount of people watching you need to target the majority demographic. Films produced in Bollywood are very rarely anyone but Indian. Is this necessarly racism? I don’t think so, I believe it is producers trying to get the best ratings. However, I don’t understand why white people do get pissed about BET. The reason it exists is because it allows for a connection to characters for black people the same way that all the white channels allow for white people. Are there black characters on TV channels other than BET? Sure, but it’s usually one black character who is typecast and in there just to be ‘PC’.

Imagine America being flipped around. That the white majority became the white minority and black minority became the black majority. I am sure you would appreciate having a channel that spoke to you rather than those other channels that put one white character in the mix just to be PC.

thats the problem you really think thats true.

like i said…i wish we didn’t have to have thing to help minorities (economical & racial)

everyone here who bicthes…its great that you view eveyone as equals & think we shouldn’t have these thing…but in reality eveyone is not & you not seeing that is the problem.

good sig showtime ( MIXWELL ) although its a different thing.

Who is going to make them more money is the question they will ask… to Producers it’s about rating and $$, not color.

I have no problem with BET… because I don’t want to see rap and R&B on the other channels. I have no problem with having the entertainment segregated… just the scholarships, months of the year, etc.

friends is the worst show ever.

Again the problem is these people are worried about skin color. Its funny how people like chris rock can crack jokes about black people and the stupid shit some of them do. when he puts it on its comical geniues and packs comedy shows. If a white person does it he is a red neck and its racist.

As for you flip, no because half the shows I watch have people on it, not races, if they are funny they are funny. If then aregoing thorugh a similar situation as me then I can relate reguardless of what their skin color is.

This shit goes WAY beyond BET and the so called “WET” crap.

is that the show with jennifer aniston ? :naughty:

Cry me a river, looks to me like they’re doing okay despite all their apparent “handicap”. Or was it because of their handicap?

Everyone does have the same fucking oppurtunity in this country. And that is to work hard for what you want and get what you want. No one ever said it was the same for everyone. No one promises results. Cry me a fuckin’ river.

Not agreeing with you does not make someone a brick wall…

Your statement of saying “They sit around and bitch yet don’t take advantage” shows your setiment for stereotyping a whole racial group. More and more African-Americans are enrolling in colleges every year and working their ass off for it more than plenty of white people.

Please give me something tangable rather than just saying “They sit around and bitch and yet don’t take advantage.” Who is they? All black people?

The fact is that it is TRUE.

At Pitt they have the EXCEL program. Its for minorities. They buy your books and help pay for your school. They also do events such as the pirate game and pens games.

They also have the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE). They help with paying for books, school, job placement, activites etc.

They also have the Society of Hispanic Engineerg (SHPE). They pay for books and all that stuff also. And all the kids are going to Orlando in january to attend a 1 day conference where they basically do nothing. they meet for a little then drink and fuck.

Now lets say I tried coming up with a society for white engineers. That would be racist.

Dont try saying I’m wrong without any evidence.

Minorities have more opportunities. Most are just too stupid to use them!

Bet atleast plays damn videos, although in the morning they have religous crap on.

/ VH1 /MTV


Um I don;t need to. If more and more are going then evidently they are not being racially held back. SO there is no need for RACIAL fucking scholarships.

America is the land of opertunity and you have to work for that. Its not the land of free hand out which it has become…

Token from south park :rofl:

True or false. If there was actually a TV station called White Entertainment Televison. If would be boycotted by numerous african american groups. And then deemed racist.

well put…people here don’t understand.

in our generation things are still run buy that “old white guy”
for instance just looking where i work here @ the Univ. & when i worked for UPMC

the LARGE majority of depts here are run by old/older white guys.
talk to minorites espeically women & see what they say about them…its crazy.

there are 2 female deans here in my office & i work with one often…the stuff she tells me about depts is rediculous.

old white guys are gonna hire other white guys…thats just the way it is.
Some depts are becoming more diverse but its because they have a younger average age. So until our generation (which is tolerant & treats people more equal) grows up & takes over these higher positions, that just the way its gonna be.

So hopefully sight & sound will become president & make everyone equal & have a ligitmate level playing field for eveyone. :itr41: