HAHA finally someone got it right....fuck black history month

Yeah its called the discovery channel / TLC

you must have missed the “called white entertainment” part.

answer is true.

so Carlos Mencia is a racist???

a comedian can say whatever he wants they are some of the only people with “True Freedom of Speech”…if its funny its funny.
as with anything there is a line everyone can cross & we all know what i’m talking about.

but as far as making light of social stereotypes thats funny…period

don’t be a fucking smartass.

Guess what dickhead, if TODAY’s generation would get rid of the racially segregated crap and start protesting crap like the NAACP and showing these assholes like jesse jackson, that they are giving the wrong impression and their generation is on the way out, this shit would start to change by force.

Instead you have idiots rallying when these OLDER minority leaders cry for action, and continues the “cause” and why shit isn’t changed.

Old white guys. Please. Your fucking “rights groups” have the same demented assholes runing your orginizations except they are old and (insert race here)…

When I was growing up my parents spent hours with me in the evenings making sure that I did my school work, helping me with projects, etc etc. They took me to any sports practices that I had to go to. They made sure that I learned what I needed to and helped me along the way the whole time.

Contrast this with someone (black or white) who has parents that are working days and evenings to make ends meet. They cannot be with their children in the evening to make sure they do their homework and help them with problems that the kids don’t understand.

Does that kid have the same opportunity as someone whose parents made sure that he studied and helped him to understand what he needed to know?

I can’t answer your first question because I have actually never watched his show.

As for your last comment, go out and tell your brotheren that. Since we are on the subject, this goes hand and hand with you assholes calling each other “nigga” and it being cool. Yet if a white guy uses it he is racist. Again hypocritical and double standards. Guess what, the “old guys” arn’t making these standards either. This generation is doing that to themselves.

so you are proposing that we pretend like their is no race issue, correct? For roughly the past 20 years in France, this is what they have been attempting to do also. As the former French colonies fell, many came to France in order to look for a better job and a better life. The French felt the best way to integrate them into the culture would be to call everyone a Frenchman and not allow social programs based on race. While this program sounded good at first, it had its faults that are showing over time. Racism still exists in the country and typically the immigrant families have no way to move up the social ladder. The economic opportunities are bleak for anyone in France who is not a white, native French man.

oh fucking please. Guess what back then my dad was able to support a family with 3 kids, own a nice house, 2 cars and a condo in florida on a 35,000 dollar salery driving truck.

Times fucking change. My wife works two jobs and is starting back to school, I’m working may ass off with OT till she is done then I’ll probably go back to school. We have been married for 3 years now, and we don’t have kids. Why? because times change and its costs more now and days yet EVERYONE’s saleries arn;t making the same changes to compensate.

This working / kids issue is two different subjects and has nothing to do with race.

“you assholes”???
first off i don’t use that word; never have…i think its retarded.

second if a white person uses it i don’t care…if its in a joke & its funny…then its funny. if he’s trying to be offensive then so be it…i know i’m not one so it doesn’t pertain to me.