Snakes on a Plane


Snakes on a Plane doesn’t rhyme.

It’s not Snakes on a Plake. That’d be retarded.

Snakes on a Plane > you.

This movie is getting lots of hype (for what reasons i have no idea), although it shouldn’t, it will probably do well at the box office. Who knows Samuel L Jackson is in it, might not be that bad

“That’s it!!! I’m sick and tired of these motherf***in’ snakes on this motherF***in’ plane” - S. Jackson “Snakes on a Plane”

Best movie quote ever… Fuck “Say hello to my little friend” or “frankly sir, I don’t give a damn”, that is the new BEST QUOTE EVAR


What about that Deep Blue Movie where they killed him off like 1/2 hour into the movie…right in the middle of a classic rant. He may not have the best talent acting or play a variety of rolls but I am always entertained by him…he is flat out funny. One of my fav quotes is “It’s the one that say’s Bad Motherfucker on it” …but I will prob end up renting Snakes on a Plane or getting it on Paperview

^ :rofl: You kick Dr. Seuss’s ass. Much better than Sam I Am.