Snakes on a Plane

Worth every motherfucking penny.

you gotta be fucking kidding me

Was this a joke? Or did I miss something?

yes… i knew it would be

you wouldnt be able to pay me to watch this movie

movie was actually one of the better movies i watched this summer. not saying much, as only 2 other movies i seen this summer were any good. evergreen drive in ftw!

seen snakes and john tucker must die. best 2 movies at one time i seen this summer. both were bearable. not award winning, but entertaining. worth the 7 bucks for 2 movies.

any movie with ashanti in it is awful…

as far as snakes…ehhh i’ll wait till its on TNT/TBS/etc…

saw War Tapes over the weekend & going to see Little Miss Sunshine either Sri or Sat.

oh… & Who killed the electric car is playing @ Sq.hill theatre if anyone is interested in it…looks like a decent documentary.

I might try to see it this week