snow D1GP v.2

i might be coming. if i am, i can pick up samson or josh.

Alex, in the mini-van? or the 240?


i cant stop laughing!!

So stoked. I’ve got a plough contract to take care of before I can come out… but I’m gonna do mass work.

might be the minivan or something rwd. :wink: not gonna be the 240 though. im so tempted to take the minivan out again though.

I’m having cocoroach milk green tea at destiny right now, lets drift boyz.

lolll… cockroach… small world i happen to know one of the ppl that were sitting at that table with the drink… delicious. and its boiled too!

is this going down tonight as in friday???

^^ well from what i understand and a few others is yes its going down tonight y0!

I’m pretty sure I’ll be coming out tonight in the Cressida. I don’t know if you guys are ready for that shit though…

Working until 10 then I’ll probably head up with Mark.

I’m game.

I feel better.

I’ll show you boyz how to drift FWD

Still need a ride for those who wish to offer =D

well my girlfriend was lame and brought her suv not her 240…lame, so if i come it will probably be in one of my fams fwd shitters.

I’m thinking of a semi-early session.

Something around 10ish so we can get more dori dori in before we get sleepy

im down let me know the location!

sitting hear waiting for my phone to ring with time and location xD

ah frig i lost my front lip in the snow today… the ploughs left alot of snow piles at the intersections… i had to ram several… lost the whole front section.

good thing i have a few more in the garage…lol

lol… the stupid plows left a 2.5feet tall banks on all the right turns

im out for tonight. wasnt able to get the car ready in time. have fun guys. - Alex(assass1n)

im posting using my friends account.

I got stuck…
many times lol