Snow drifitng anyone?

where is the videoooooo of me nick?

Need your email.


I cant even get my car out of the 12’s. How the hell am I going to build richie a 9 second one? LOL

Epic night

vr fail in the snow

I’m just off Ex 8 - but passed out early for the evening… :frowning:

Really missing the usual ‘playground access’ from the Glens Falls area… def have to scope out some new-to-me local spots. Oh - check your pm’s, too sir!

the awd subaru got stuck in the same spot.

park and ride sonnnnnnnnn :thumbup…there all over up there dude

Will do, sir! Itching for some stupidity in the snow…

fun night for sure. watching nick try and move from a dead stop was funny. nice meeting you too jae.
nick got a vid of me while we waited for jae and jiggs to show up. awesome quality too

You have to go faster man, my grandma can do better than that.

That is some pussy drifting. You have to go out on the real roads. That’s the most fun. Hanging it sideways at 60mph is amzing:excited

Ive had some fun

However the snow killed visibility

Ilya drift video > kid who owes me $15’s drift video

woa relax. never said the video was the best in the world……………… plus it was hard to see what i was doing half the time. and chuck way to not show up with jae and jiggs lol

well lmk when you are free this week so i can give your money to you

big red stuck last night

vid of cscholtes sleddin is uploading now

where’s the mk2 buddiesssssss?

who was that idiot stuntin in the big bodyy

i was his mk2 buddy last night, i had to push him out lol

dude i had nooooooo idea it was you. thought it was some random motherfucker pullin off drifts

vid of cody sleddin, hekkaepic

Big body was ripping through the upper lot:rofl