snow is ghey

Its like a skating rink out there. On my 5 minute drive home from the necc meet, i saw a civic do a 360 accross 3 lanes and a truck eat the curb.

I almost slid into atleast 4 curbs…YES, i think its time to take off the bling. Its one thing to have stock chrome rims on a SUV with stock tires, but when you put 235’s on the 7.5inch rims you are asking for trouble. CURBS ARE GHEY AND SO IS SNOW!

Yeah, dude - I watched a minivan almost slide into a line of parked cars at an intersection, a Ford Ranger bounce off the curb about 3 times in 15 feet, and on the highway on the way home there were at least 5 sets of marks indicating where people had hit the ditch.

I don’t care what anyone says, FWD + Snow = teh sux. Especially on shitty summer z rated tires…

It’s fun to write in the snow!


Hahaha, the Civic with hubcap spinners. Awesome! :E

HA HA Bunch of suckers.The AWD owns all.I had no problem getting home in the Scooby


No E-brake lever (just push petal)

This blows!!

I WANT MY 240 BACK!!! :cry

You think the City was bad.

I drove back from Calgary and from Blackfalds to Leduc i saw 32 vehicles in the ditch. 31 of them were SUV’s and the cops were not towing anyone out at all.

Ha ha still no snow in Wainwright!!

yea i bit the curb on the way home, like 15 feet from my house, Thank god for sidewalls and beefed up a arms. though thowing it sideways in a residential area is a bad idea, but the round curbs are awsome. :E

Woo didn’t hit any curbs, and ALMOST spun out once. I did get strange looks from people when I’d gear down and the rear tires would kick out.

Heres my story…

Its not snowing but still hella slippery. Shitty summer tires, no traction in the white stuff at all. Rush hour. Light turns red. Press down the brake pedal and it goes to the floor. Nothing happens. Sit in shock as you realize you have no brakes. Meet eyes with the person about to turn left in front of you as the light turns yellow. Throw the car in second. Slide sideways to a stop. Watch the car narrowly miss the front bumper. Put on hazards and cruise the few blocks to home. Clean shit stains off seat.