Snowflake Rally -Sat Jan 24th

Mohud SCCA is holding a TSD Rally this Saturday Evening.
Starting point is Malt River Brewing @ Latham circle Mall.

A straightforward time-speed-distance [TSD] rally covering over 100 miles, lasting over 3 hours. Speeds will be moderate to brisk. All paved roads [or at least treated], but when they are snow-covered, who can tell? No car-breakers at least! All vehicles must be street-legal, and should be capable of handling wintry, rural roads.

Registration opens at 4:00 PM – Entrants meeting at 5:30 PM --1st car off at 6:00 PM
Entry fee $20 per car.

More info here

i wish my car wasn’t in the body shop.

i dont understand what is the point ? do they know how long it takes doing the speed limit and the first to come close to the time wins . i think my wifes car the turbo beetle would be good for this . it sound cool someone fill me in please

I am not really a Rally guy --but from the 2 rallies I have done over the years —you need someone to figure out the clues/directions —and the driver needs to figure out how to accelerate to keep the times in line.

If you need a better description than that ( and you deserve a better one) --contact Jim on the page I linked to.

I believe there are typically check points along the way. Based on your starting time, you’re expected to arrive at the check points at specific times. Arrive too early --> accumulate penalty points. Arrive too late --> accumulate penalty points. Arrive when you’re supposed to --> 0 points. Person with the lowest score wins. Of course I’m talking slightly out my ass b/c I’ve never done one before, but I’ve read about them a bunch of times in Roundel, and I’m guessing MoHud will do the same sorts of things. That’s the high level, then there are challenges surrounding figuring out where you’re supposed to go based on clues and a map, and trying to figure out how to maintain your average speed for hitting those check points on time. That can get complicated if you make a wrong turn and have to make up the time spent going the wrong way. The organizer promises the course and clues are set up so as not to get anyone lost - the focus is on fun, not on making it exceedingly difficult. They’re really trying to encourage first-timers to try it.

Supposedly they’re going to have a novice class and an ‘equipped’ class. Show up early (4pm) for reg, and you’ll get an overview of what you’re supposed to do. It starts and ends at Malt River Brewing, so that part should be a bit enticing. Bottom line is to have an excuse to get together, drive around, then have some fun. Unfortunately I’m going to be on the Left Coast and will miss it, but otherwise I’d be there.

Sounds great fellas. I’ll be there in my 4WD Sentra in the “equipped” class. :wink:

Let’s hope for some fresh snow during the event to make things interesting.

Jeremy, TSD info links for you:

so its 20 plus the 15/20 (depending on if you go with someone in your car) ?

or just 20

You need to be SCCA members, The temporary membership fee applies if you are not a member. ( Insurance and a lame attempt by SCCA National to increase membership)

this looks like fun, i would love to do it, bad weekend for me though.

jeff if ya wanna do it ill pay i wanna see this shiot…

ya you can be my navy :slight_smile:

i was gunna take heather but she cant even find her college books let alone a way around the capital region.

maybe this will make me buy/mount my icebears. :rofl

Ill be there with my boss he wants to be my passenger lol . does anyone know the exact price for driver none member and copilet non member. im driving my wifes bug (on the lower left of my signiture).

I assume its 20 for you and your car. basic membershi for a day
then 15 for you or 20 for someone else and you. in 1 car.

idk im bringing 100 bux. and being told what to do. :slight_smile:


Why $40 – $20 for the entry fee for the car.
plus $20 for the temp membership for both people.

Hope that helps.

What do I get if I win?

picture of benny on a slide in a keychain

Umbrella girls and Moet Chandon.

get to see me in a speedo!!!:puke

omfg gross

i got 8 guys to come for the rally. There all new to it and very excited . i can’t wait