Snowmobile gear

I am looking to get a new snowmobile jacket and pants. Is there anything I should look out for? Any brands to stay away from? Any brands you DO recommend?

what kinda sled do you ride?

choko is nice…activa pants are good but heavy.

I have a bunch of snowmobile gear for sale. Depending on your size… It’s all last year Ski-doo factory race gear.
IF you want it. PM me.
Arctictiva and FXR makes some really good gear as well.

i have an arctiva jacket, i really like it. very warm, too warm in fact i usually have the rear vents open.

What size are you I have a full set of gear for sale, from head to toe…along with a sled if you want that too!

The bib and pants are both Polaris…Helmet and boots are not…some of the warmest winter gear I have ever worn though mmmm the boots I might keep just cause lol

Coldwave makes awesome snow gear! I used to sweat my ass off in 10degree weather with em on! has alot of decent gear as well check that site out and request a catalog.

I wear an XL jacket and L-XL pants. I ride a '97 Polaris Indy.

choko is really nice, but it is pretty heavy and doesnt breathe real good, so you tend to sweat alot. I have a FXR jacket and love it. idk about the quality of it as ive never bought any of it but it looks nice :gotme:

Slednecks shit is also pretty nice, but its super light. So when you plan on going out on a cold day or any night riding, mzke sure you triple layer.

how is my old sled running

It still runs great!

What Indy specifically? I have a '97 Indy XLT Limited.

i use under armor and some boarding gear.