@#*( so awesome

skinny - nope
fat - yea, but only based on what someone else here described you
black - nope
brown - nope
white - that’s the one
redneck - nope
immigrant - nope
ayrab - nope
indian - nope
taurus brakes - wasn’t me, I think Mark gave you that nickname, and it’s stuck pretty well
just got coilovers a month ago - yup
automatic - you were for quite awhile, I don’t care whether you still are
shittiest non-built 240 - I don’t think I went that far, I just said it was shitty and improperly built

liar - THIS, is what I say about you all the time, coupled with retard and poser, they’re the only three things I ever call you, because that is what I think of you. That you are a liar, retard and poser.

thief - nope
uh what else? - What else? I’ve only ever called you a liar retard and poser, and this list you made proves just that. You’re a liar, retard and poser. You could again, try and prove me wrong, but you can’t, because unlike you, I don’t lie.