So. Beck has $800, and is wondering what to do with it.

buy that so i can kick the panels in!

send your friend to a dayspa and get her shit waxed?

baby formula is really expensive these days adam…

  1. Turboback
  2. Bigger / Better Turbo
  3. An engine that doesn’t burn oil
  4. Men’s Jeans
  5. ???
  6. Profit

Alignment, new tires, and a beater. :tup:

VASECTOMY!! that shit was controversial son!

Buy a brain…

bigger brakes :slight_smile:

save it?

is that an option…not like its the smart thing to do, ya know, just in case you actually do knock someone up or actually need money down the road

instead of saying, haha, i have 800 amazing dollars how can i blow it on nothing to appease myself…

unless thats the idea :gotme:

racing helmet + harness. Go fast safely.

roll cage

stiffness ftw

ill sell u my laptop for cheap i dont use it anymore

Putting money into a car is useless.You never get back what you put in,I know from experience.

Start a savings account somewhere and dump it in,wait until a good deal comes along and invest the money.

what happend to the turbo k series u bought

  1. my finances are none of your buisness. 2. I joke around alot, but I do not talk like an “idiot” at mighty meets, if so, quote me. 3. When have I ever stalled my car at a meet? considering I have had it to mabe 3 or 4 meets, its 22 years old and carbed, sometimes it doesn’t start on the first crank…does not constitute as “stalling it”.

i would just buy the one that john sent me a link to.


dude just keep saving, honestly. if you keep saving up to like 800, and then ask what to buy you’ll never get anywhere. if you keep saving, after time you’ll have a large enough amount of money that can actually make a difference in your life. house, new car, sick vacation, move, etc etc. but if i kept spending $800 everytime i saved it, i’d be screwed. i just saved about 3500 in 3 months to take with me to cali, on top of the 5k i already had. i like to have insurance, and not accumulate stupid shit i wasted my money on. for a 3"…

You should just save the money and move out of your parents house though

and if im moving out of my parents house, it will be when I move out of state.

theres no point for me to move out now. i already tried that and it wasn’t everything i was hoping for.

plus i couldn’t stand the fact i had to buy my own hair products and toothpaste.


put it all on Red…double it…put 800 away, then spend the initial 800…