So I finally saw Gonad's dad.

Same lol , I love wen people fight , especialy when they talk funny…

Seems like a nice enough guy.

I guess ide have to know gonad to understand

whoa was this at the Niagara falls cruise last summer?

Wait till you hear Fobwall’s dad. He sounded something like this:

sorry no POK :stuck_out_tongue:


this is bing

LOL, Gonad thats how Mark sounds… and English is his first language AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!

I still find that ridiculously funny hahahah!!

i pok nothing ok !!!


Oh shutup!

Lol @ Bing

Dude welcome to last week… But no rant, I still think it’s funny LOL.

That’s funny it actualy looks like him LOL.

Here some more dirt on Bing

My my how the place has changed.

Gonads Dad has either got balls of steel or is just a dumbass. When you see a guy crank is hand back wielding a tire iron ready to smash your face in…PUT 'EM UP SON.

Should have hit him with a sandal thats a mad diss YO.

Oh and BTW the video is a fake here is the real one