SO i just found out im not gonna be able to come home for WOW.

I have to attend a class that will certify me as a lifeguard instructor that is just south of Philly that whole weekend. Its the only one within driving distance that will have me certified in time to meet the state requirements. This sucks. I’ll still be coming back for about a week though, it will just have to be sometime in March. :wtc:

that sucks!!! oh well…if its needed for work then u got to do it!!! i bet whitey will take hundreds of pics for you though!!!

:go you:

PS Mike, where we going for some beers?

Darkstar as a lifeguard :priceless:

its nothing but a bigger bathtub

I think i’m gonna be sick :puke:

that damn tub pic is burned into my memory forever. I’ll forget everything when i’m 80 except for that fucking image. :slight_smile:

yea, he is kinda sloppy fat…

there ain’t no kinda about it :slight_smile:

I :love: Darkstar

:gaysex: :op:


no, im not gonna be a guard, but I have to be able to train people to be lifeguards. That way when the new batch of Russians comes in, I can train them in house instead of having them go take a course elsewhere.



but there will be beer drinking. lots of it.

PewterSS would like to post

:blue: :blue: :blue::blue: :blue: :blue::blue: :blue: :blue:



WOW w/ the guys from the burgh > lifeguard class

tru… you are ghey


dont forget your whistle :kekegay:

$11.50/hr > $9.00/hr

Hooters “after-party” without Darkstar = no point in going

But I am going anyway

werd. No Darkstar, no care.