So I just had an idea....NYSPEED Test Drivers??

the problem i see is that very few people have driven enough new cars in order to have an unbiased and accurate review of any car compared to its competition. it would be better to have someone test every manufacturers car in a certain segment, then write a review comparing all those cars, rather than having someone stick with just one manufacturer.

So you want salesmen to do reviews on the cars they sell… Yeah, those reviews won’t be biased or anything. I’m sure they will be real subjective.

There’s a reason why people prefer 3rd party reviews.


+1 for fuzzyfish. his storytelling > *

:bsflag:Big time BS on that Josh.

I’d like to do this, I’ve never understood hardcore brand loyalty. Maybe it’s just because I’m a bit younger, but I think this is a really cool idea and I’d love to help out. I have reasonably decent writing skills, and I don’t feel the need to beat the shit out of cars that aren’t mine.

Basically what you’re looking for is the pros and cons of the car being reviewed, no?

Let me put this another way for those who are not paying attention…

we have people who know alot about cars built by certain manufacturers so that there is someone with an extensive background in any particular brand. they drive different cars, imports, domestics, everything and each person drives each car. they are NYSPEED MEMEBERS, NOT SALESMAN!!! This is for the members of NYSPEED not the salespeople at our dealerships.

this has nothing to do with salespeople testing/reviewing cars. if someone was selling a car and there was a review that was favorable and they were a member of the site they could use it to their advantage if they’d like but THAT’S NOT THE POINT.

The point is to have car guys discussing cars on a car site.

yes, for the benefit of the members and for fun. if they can do it in Car and Driver, why can’t we do our own?

How about sponsoring WNY-SCCA with a vehicle that would allow novices a car to drive?

IMO the new people are a little apprehensive to try it with their car. I mean if I can toss my keys over to total strangers with a 15 year old car with no maintenance issues a new car should be no problem.

I would recommend a limit of 4 people per car.

^ Bad idea. These are cars they have to sell. I know if I bought a car and found out later 4 novices had beat the shit out of it at an autocross all day I’d be pissed.

you beat me to it

I would be willing to do this.

I was an English Major at the Universit at Buffalo. I have driven mostly every import, except Seats and Yugos.

let me know if you are interested in pulling this off. do we have to come to Olean?

Oh I thought he had a demostrantion car. I didn’t realize he wanted a bunch of people test driving new cars for the sake of test driving and then sell them.

I’d be equally as pissed to find out that my new car was used by a bunch of kids for “test drives”.

we would go to which ever store had the car we wanted to review, so if its a GM car then we would just come here for an afternoon.

basically a NYSPEED edition of Car and Driver/Motortrend/Autoweek etc.

If you get it off the lot, it usually is. I have gone out on a test drive day to numerous dealerships just to drive different cars. Lots of people do it and a lot of cars see a bit of road time before being sold.

id do it
i have experience to driving and am open to cars
and i have good writing skills
and for knowledge wise im not like knowing everything perfect but i know a little about everything

i think it is a very good idea, only thing I would say is if there was a whole section dedicated to the reviews then have a couple guys be official mods. so all of the reviews would be “official” more or less, and everything would be more organized. so anyone would be able to do a review, but they have to propose their idea to the mod, then get approved/denied. if it gets approved, they do their review, do a writeup, and possibly get checked over real quick by the mod before it gets posted. I’m not talking full on newspaper editorial department, but just a little bit of communication so things don’t get too unorganized.
I feel it should be this way, because while there is an abundance of knowledge on here, there is also those few people who would make a big joke out of it and probably ruin it.

I’d be in. We could start our on Magazine or internet based research board. Where people looking to buy a car could get some prespectives on what’s good and why. I say we do it. I just want my fair cut. 25% :smiley:

This might help reduce the number of “Which car should I buy” threads.

I like that idea