So I just had an idea....NYSPEED Test Drivers??

Would you be renting a track to test on? Or would it be stickily street testing? I would be in for this either way. I drive a pretty wide array of vehicles. Audi, Toyota, Pontiac, Chevy, 4cyl, 6cyl, 8cyl, Turbo, N/A, Cars, Trucks, Vans. I would test drive anything, and can’t really say that I have any bias one way or the other. Honestly I would have no problem test driving vans if nobody wanted to do it.

i was thinking the street because I don’t think we could get any dealers (I know I wouldn’t) to let us test brand new cars on a race track and then have to sell them. we could probably do some timed tests but we would need to figure out how to do it without beating the cars up badly. 0-60 times would more than likely be the main one we could do without hurting the cars to bad

I don’t think any of the timed things are a good idea, no matter how you put it to the customer they will still not be very happy to know that their car was used to get 0-60 times when that info is readily available from the car manufacturer.

Thats my .02 on that, I’d say a 5 mile drive is MORE than sufficient for what you’re looking to get out of it.

As for the people who have mentioned test driving in general being bad in regards to people beating the piss out of the cars, I know people who have done the ‘24 hour test drive’ when that was going on and beat the ever loving fuck out of the vehicle and then brought it back. Something like this should be to the least of their concernes with how tight the local community is on here.

hmm this actually sounds pretty cool. can i test drive the cobalt SS turbocharged when it comes out? i mean…just cause i have the ss/sc :slight_smile:

My last 5 cars are:

2004 GTO
2000 Jetta VR6
1992 Ford Taurus SHO
1988 Honda Accord

Perfect mix! 2 dumbestic, form different companies, 1 from Japan one form Deutschland. :slight_smile:

i would be in for this. I can write a decent review


fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

20something NYSpeed asshats running around on your dealer plates-----ya thats a GOOD idea!
Whats your dealer plate insurance restrictions on age?
Nice thought but soooo not a good idea. I remember being mid 20’s and i’ll tell ya i had zero respect for other people’s stuff.

you are missing the idea here. we would go to the store as a group (schedule a meeting, pick a car, then go there) and drive a car for a bit then write our reviews/reports

the timing thing probably wouldn’t work so i’d probably skip it

The people doing the reviewing/driving would be a chosen few, not the whole site. i think that would work best, maybe like 5-10 guys. we could even have the site vote on who they would like to do it.


do you really want nyspeed people to have free reign of your lot?

i don’t like this idea. lol

I vote for me…So do the 10 n00b accounts I just made :wiggle:

I remember a thread where CleanBaldy was dissapointed to find out that a dozen or so NYSpeeders had test drove / beaten on his car before he bought it.



did you bother to read the post right before you posted this one? :wave:

i wouldn’t let just anyone drive whatever they wanted

lol no.

Are you looking for sack riders??


why would the basil family try to fetch sack riders from nyspeed

Ok maybe i’m reading this wrong. I apologize I’ll STFU

I would gladly participate in something like this.

I think it can be extremely beneficial to NYSPEED as a name so that we arent seen as a bunch of illegal street racers and also to the dealership to know what a real person’s review on a car is, not a pre-written sales brochure stating all the pros and none of the cons.

Example. Person Comes in looking at say a mid-size car. You have the G6, new Malibu, Lacrosse and a bunch of others.

You have them take a look at each one in person, then bring them to your sales office, hand them a review written by one of us on each one of the cars, they read it and maybe help them make a more educated decision on which one they want to testdrive and actually narrow down on test drives done per sale per customer and making the sales close faster by having the information on hand and written by real people, not employees or professional reviewers.

It would be a good way to streamline the sales process.