First off you can’t have people test drive a car that are partial to any type of vehicle, this makes them overlook certain aspects that may be critical to a real review.
Second, you can’t have people test cars that work for any type of manufacturer because if they sell them, obviously they are going to hide certain faults to look for a sale or if they make them or work on them, they will most likely only find faults.
Someone who does reviews has to be totally impartial and really just a professional at it. As much as I know about cars, I don’t know that the '07 had a bad vibration at 3500rpm and the '08 model has a redesigned balance shaft. This is the type of stuff that only professionals are going to know, or care to know, because it’s their job.
Just read a Consumers Digest or open up a Motor Trend if you want to really know what’s up with a car.
I don’t think this is a bad idea as everyone seems to think it is… Considering you would be the one selecting the people to do it, I doubt you would let just anyone drive your cars. I mean if someone on here wanted to go beat the shit out of a car on a test drive, they could do that anytime they wanted. I doubt they would care about scheduling a day to do it.
The points I would make are having enough time in the car in enough environments that will grant the ability to write a decently informed review. Usually the on ramp to a highway is a time that i get excited for. But there are some cars I have driven that make me dread it. So aside from 0-60 times I feel 30-60 speeds would be even more important. I also think completely ignoring the sticker for details would be best. This would allow the removal of any expectations, so to remove any preconceived ideas of the car; based on gas mileage, power, and so on. All these details can be worked out though when you have your chosen few.
Depending on scheduling I wouldn’t mind being considered. I know I’m relatively new to the site. But I have a fair amount of experience with several different cars and feel I know the pluses and minuses that would be looked for in the driving experience.
Only question I have is, what is the range of brands that would be worked with? I know you work for a dealership and I would assume thats where the tests would be done. So what cars would we have access to?
10 guys/girls who are to be chosen by car knowledge and experience, ability to be un-biased and open to all cars, trustworthy, people who will take this seriously (not sure how to pick them, maybe voted on or chosen by the mods)
Vehicles to be checked out based on the needs of the site and its members suggestions
Pick a date/time to meet up and go through the car > this can be done in 2 teams of 5 if everyone can’t meet at once. maybe meet 2 times a month or so.
Write a review of vehicle basics > handling, options, appearance, price, performance, etc
Post it here for anyone who is interested
Have fun doing it, maybe we could make at night so we could have food/drinks after driving to discuss what we saw
I would obviously like to be involved because I love cars, I love talking about them and it will help me learn more about what I sell and what my competition sells
well im just saying
i have experience driving
and i have experience driving all sorts of cars
high end cars like corvettes, porsches, mercedes, and bmws
and regular average cars
and i have good writing skills
and i know a broad amount of knowledge regarding cars