so I said screw it and overspent

I know I know, I really should have flipped a coin, but when I saw the brochures next to each other I said fuck it, gimme em both

Personally I’m partial to the 3 but don’t tell the TT that :wink:

nice… who’s are they?

You liar, you really got two? Penny and NYSpeed sticker for proof.

I love the GTR3, but I won’t kick the TT out of the garage either.

drive 3 blocks over and see for yourself

bullshit… you dont know where i live

and thats not even buffalo in those pics

MMMMMmmm GT3. By FAR my faverate car ever. one day I will own one.

i never thought white would look so good

i <3 the gt3…


@ delivery

obviously I didn’t buy these cars

what are you trying to pull a cuban

:lol: @ anyone who would for a second think I was being serious, unlike some people I try not to finance more than 100% of my yearly income

thanx sweety you bought us semi-twin Porsche’s

:kiss: I know how much you love the spool noise


always thinking of me :slight_smile:

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mm i dont know if i could decide…

rotate one each day

I like the TT

asshole :stuck_out_tongue:

Ill drive the slower one…Joe you can have the faster one…I am used to driving slow cars