VIDEO: 997 TURBO vs. 997 GT3

997 TT vs. 997 GT3


I’d take either, but the GT3 is TITS!

i would also gladly take any car of that caliber

yeah sure, it’s easy to say “I’d take either”

but now pick ONE…

997 GT3…i am an NA whore

Turblows are funner

yea, two of them esp…and i didnt get to watch the vid. but not GT3 drop-top no want…997TT drop-top winnnar!!!

:eyebrow: :uhh: :gay: :rolljerk: quite possibly the worst argument against a GT3…ever

The GT3 is hotter looking, but I am a turbo whore, so I like the TT

I think thats true

GT3…without question

did i say its better, or worse? nope i jsut said i want a drop-top TT…thanks for taking such offense. makes me feel like i still have an impact on buff. hahahaah even from 6 hours away

:wtf: did they say?

i 100% agree.