So I was hanging out with Matt Farah and a bunch of other people last night...

And this guy showed up.

If you’re on my Facebook you saw. Dude is pretty awesome…


i don’t get it.

That’s the 0 fucks given rx7 guy.

Wow, he sure is milking his 15 minutes, eh? :stuck_out_tongue: Wonder if his car sold yet.

Back story?

??? I don’t know any of these people lol

Cool T shirt at least.

I’m lost… Lol

I know who Matt Farah is…

This is retarded.

“It’s a piece of shit. But it’s a fast piece of shit!”

The white dude :

The Asian dude : Me.

Cliffs : I recently got in touch with Matt Farah during his AMA on reddit. I mentioned that I just shipped out my Z3 out here to LA and he wanted to check it out. Turns out his shop that he manages is right down the street from me. I stopped over, we shot the shit, thought I was pretty cool and invited me to the grand opening party for the shop.

I went and met a bunch of people, it was pretty crazy actually. Funny though, I met Corbin - he’s a really nice guy, not actually milking his 15 minutes. He’s very smart, knows his shit, and was actually jocked on by most of the people there. It was quite funny.

Took a pic of his car :

We shot the shit about mine also, and we’re supposed to meet up with some other car people with strange v8 swaps.


they should come to Buffalo and test newman’s car. similar objective, executed a million times better.

Always seems the no fucks given crew give a fuck to not give a fuck.

thread fail lol

Honestly when I saw pictures and stories about that RX-7 being showed around the web I ignored them, solely based on what the car looked like, lol.

I don’t think Farah is that bad but when I watch him it makes me think the bro at the gym next to me is reviewing a car. Not that I could do any better, but when compared to the Top Gear guys (which every auto program is now-a-days) he’s not as good but still better than most.

This is Matt Farah for those that don’t know:

And he’s a pic of him getting knocked out in UFC:

Matt Farah definitely ripped that RX7 hard in the original video…and loved the car. Seems like he’s bro though like you said, Josh, and with most cars he reviews, he seems to have the “Car and Driver” review mentality rather than the Top Gear type. If that makes sense.

And Corbin built an awesome car with what he had and didnt give a fuck what it looked like. He has no relation to the nofucksgiven “crew” thats from around here. It would be cool to meet him though and talk about wild Mazdas haha

for $13k+ in $$$ and the time invested that thing is total shit all over the place.

there are a lot of great cars you can buy for that kind of money that are much better in every single way than that rx-7

we’re glamorizing willful shitty decision making.

No doubt about that, but isn’t that what we do with everything? Glamorize willfull shitty decisions lol

Kid built the car himself over many months, living with his parents, built it in his parents garage, mechanically sound. The car just isn’t the norm in the looks and refinement aspect. Pretty much like old school hot rodding to me. It works. Its got plenty of power. And its raw as hell

At 18 I wasnt’ be to afford a $13,000 car or have the patience to save $13k to buy a used car. But I sure as hell could build one for the same cost over a couple years living with my parents. At 22

I give him much more props for doing this rather than just buying a car and throwing some mods on it. It probably roasts most cars in the $13k range.

Built, not bought is what it comes down to I guess.