So I'm driving a Chevrolet Truck...

and the brakes are so bad it’s ridiculous.

I don’t have time to do them at all and it needs to happen asap.

Any place you guys suggest I can go to tommorrow at like 5-5:30?

I thought you weren’t going to stop that one day we discussed big bird in the parking lot.

tie a big rock to a rope and throw iot oput the window when you wanan slow down, i can build that for you by 5:30 tomorrow afternoon.



well they’re only rear pads/rotors

just grinding like fat girls on a dance floor. not a good look.

so, wheres a good place? SOMEONE must know.

i’ll help you do them if you have tools.

take it to midas or something like that…

Ross Service in NT on Payne, if you’re already up this way. I’m not sure if he opens that early though :frowning:

take it to me ill do um for cheap and iam right by ur school

I’m trying to stay Southtowns since I’m gonna want a ride home so I don’t gotta wait around.

Any other shop options?

i got you dog