So I'm sitting on the toilet...

With my laptop, why is the first thing i feel compelled to do is IM someone and tell them I’m taking a poop

[12:24] ILCisDEAD: im remoted into my computer … and I’m on the toilet taking a poop!
[12:24] coworker: gay

anyone else have that instant urge to let someone know?

you carry your laptop into the can?

Why not… I can get work done and take a poo. killing two birds with one stone… Now only if I could shower with it.

I’ll have to make some kind of water proofing thing for it

take it in and work, or take it in and browse nyspeed HUUH!!??

howie does it to me all the time.

Apparently you had to tell the urge to tell more than one person…

I’m a fan of shit or get off the pot. I wouldn’t have time to IM someone.

damn UB IT clowns.

half the reason i shit at work is to get away from my computer… im more leaning towards the fact you brought your laptop in there to beat off to tereasa’s mom.


at home i take my laptop w/ me to shit

that’s what my iphone is for :stuck_out_tongue:

at least she doesn’t have much weight to lose

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ilc your posts are awful today.

holy fucking lol.

i have had a sidekick3 for about a year.

And yes it has full aim /msn/ yahoo

So sidekick shitting was a must for atleast the first 10 months.

Id be talking to people, some without knowing i was shitting, others i would tell them and they’d be like SICKKKK and stop responding for 5 minutes.

Eitherway it was great.

Funniest part of it all, is when the misses would message me from the desktop while i was shitting… Meh

I replaced her with this one, and this oen just walks right up in the bathroom.

I’m like Get the fuck out im trying to shit in peace!

not only do i get pmed, but i get pics also of the toilet :slight_smile:




your welcome punkin :wink:

pics of epic aftermath are always in order

Ask Choda about the 1 1/2 footer he took a pic of and showed me…it was gross, yet pretty funny.

i was in a video chat one day with someone and went into the bathroom and forgot my yahoo cam was still on…