so is there a unteathered iphone 4 jailbreak?

iPad and iPhone 4 use the same hardware that the jailbreak exploits. No worries.

I was going to update to 4.2.1 last night and re-jailbreak but got lazy. Maybe tonight. I’ve got everything but my cydia stuff syncing in tunes so going from JB to JB isn’t that bad a process. The majority of my apps are legit too so that helps.

also greenpoison released the 4.2.1 for windows now :slight_smile:

Are you going to use anything to save you JB apps?

The few that I have are synced in itunes. The stuff from Cydia I just make a list and reinstall after.

Couldn’t do it last night before I forgot my phone at work and didn’t feel like going back out in the cold to go get it.

I need to jail break my god damn Apple TV 2 from a windows box

Do you want to borror my mac to do it?

Sounds to me like youre living a little iLife over there, with all these iProducts…


Jailbroke mine last night. SuPer easy and quick to do. Got my hotspot up and running in like 2 minutes