So Long Articzap

well, as announced in the gokarts thread, last night was Dave (articzap)'s last meet. he leaves for WyoTech tomorrow and wont be around anymore, really. Justin (RedConquest) came up with the idea of getting him a cake and stuff so we had a little thing last night, and pretty much hit up all the spots (Mighty, lasertron karts, Dennys) and had a good time. just wanted to wish him the best of luck, and everything, and hope things workse out well for you at WyoTech. Since I joined NYSPeed about a year ago, i’ve become pretty good friends with him, and god knows hes helped me out countless times with my various projects. he was always willing to help out with whatever, and i dont even know how many nights he was at my house untill 1 or 2 in the morning working on my truck trying to get it all put back together. without his help, i’d prob still be starting at a pile of parts in my garage. so good luck to ya man, i kno you’ll do good in school and whatever you decide to do after!

OMG…whos going to fill the void of useless posts!!!

pretty sure i can work something out

wow guys dont get TOO crazy… gosh.


…tru but then he sometimes contradicted himself and said good luck to my threads me after he just put down my thread or posts lol

gl either way


^ lol

good luck out there guy :tup:

buy a sweet project car while your there to use for the projects…come back with something sweet and fast :tup:

lol ur such an asshole

thanks guys. itll deff be fun times down. ill prob end up gettin some kind of project car soon.

to sherm, your the best enemy ever thanks.

my useless post wont stop as i will have internet down there prob wont be on as much though.