So on my way to school_____

I come across this…
It was fast though. :lol: He was pulling on me hard…

man i had that idea!

WTF is that?

(and don’t say “a piece of fast garbage”)

A piece of slow garbage.

I saw that same thing on the 400 last week!!! was a Lumina if I remember right. Looks good!

lol thats horrible

Yeah thats where I saw him also… He must have been coming from HC… :snky:

I particularily like the bumper cover over the bumper cover…I tried getting the guy to look over as I rolled past him but he was too into his car to care about me.

It does not get much worse than that.

Congrats to that guy.

wow, it makes you wonder if people who do that mean it as a joke or if they are actually serious

dud that rear end is huge!!!

u win\

Whup whup pull over that ass too fat!

Gotta be a joke…


Suprised I haven’t seen that work of art, as I’m on the 400 almost everyday lol

Moved to OT

man, that has to be PHAST!

how does one think of building something so rediculously hideous? barf, lol


It looks like it has zero ground clearance