so the other day.

I was driving home from kitchener with my buddy mark (.white240.), and while sitting in the passenger seat I decided to bust out some zipties. haha

You melt the end so they don’t tighten up, and you never have to worry about shoelaces coming loose!

this is very awesome.

that is friggin gangster

you can change shoelace colours every day if you wanted to for a couple of cents!

oh god jesse you actually did it, and made it functional.

that rocks man, I kinda though mark was joking when he told us what you were up to.

I thought he meant you were re lacing the shoelaces that hold his pants together. shakes head dissaprovingly

lmaooo thats pimp!

this is so sickkkkk…how much for a pair? LMAO

sneaker pimp right here

lacks rust, Besides that it is cool.

heck yea i’m stoked on them. they really help with my heal toe shifting haha.

i was telling my gf about this and she said “i love twisties”
