Travis :nono
Travis :nono
show me where we took offense before he threw in his huge fuck off’s and all that? it was brandon saying he could have been talking shit all summer and still can on that forum if he wants, but didnt want to be a dick. then Travis thew up a huge spew of shit.
To be honest I didn’t read that in depth, just looked for the drama and by that time other things had been said, my bad.
Assumption is the root of all evil!
“assumption is the mother of all fuck ups” lol from under siege 2!
That’s the quote I was looking for!
Damn I suck :rofl
lol, you gotta remember that the next time you throw a body under the train and think its dead
So what did the PM say? :lol
For some reason my outgoign messages all get deleted when I send them :rofl
wow it was VERY ENTERTAINING reading all that here at work . . .
In the thread he made some VERY blatant personal threats, as did other people. But the other people are not the ones coming over here essentially bragging about the uproar they caused on another area website.
lol well i vote kill this thread, everything has been said
I wanna know what was in that PM
oh he just changed a few words around from what he posted, thats gone now though haha
The one Jeremiah sent to Travis? I’m not sure if he posted it up, I have no clue what it says either. I doubt he even saw this thread yet though…
I didn’t read the whole deal but i will say that Jeremiah, from the only time i’ve met him, looks and seems that he is the brawlic type and would fuck shit up. Travis would get laid out.
That is all. Goodbye. :aww
LOL!!! :cool
I was referring to the pm I sent speedballs or w/e
do me the favor of throwing the first punch. i fuckin dare you. not only will you be LAYED THE FUCK OUT, but you will be going away in fuckin handcuffs douchebag. eat my ass with a spoon if ya dont like them apples you fucking tool ass faggot. now… before you try judging ME again… think before you act.
This post on had me cracking up because of how retarded it is.
-“eat my ass with a spoon if you don’t like them apples” HA HA ooooooooookay then, little weird.
-“fucking tool ass faggot” Sounds like junior high or something
I’ve never seen someone SOOOOOOO PROUD of a 12.77 run at 108mph :wtf Never have i ever. When Travis said he beat a C6 Z06 and refering to Dave’s (grey '03 Terminator Cobra) run of 12.74 @ 114mph. Travis do you know what 114mph trap will get you??? low 12’s- high 11’s. Your 108mph trap has nowhere near as much room to improve as that 114mph trap does. Saying you beat a C6 Z06 is retarded, because sitting a somewhat good driver in that and you’d get smoked all day long so why go around saying you beat one, makes you look retarded.
Oh and Jeremiah, If he’s going to be a scumbag and not fight a fight he started and just call the cops once you lay a hand on him, don’t do it. He’s a broke as fuck 27 year old looking for any way to get money. Wouldn’t even be worth it man.
Travis is coming for his ass :wow :gay i hope this guy is big enough to figh him off :crackup
dude are you from e-brooklyn ? holly shit LOL