so theres another local 518 car forum in an uproar....

shut up, since when is there a problem between you and me? Because as of late you’ve been saying things towards me that are uncalled for


dude I think he’s just kidding :lol

Yeah, I think he was just kidding Joey 'cause of your rant…


joey i’ll crack your jaw with the back of my hand son

no im joking, relax lol if i dont like you i’ll tell you…in person, i was only jokin cuz your rant was mad e thuggin and i was tryin to picture you talking like that in person and i just couldnt imagine anything else then a mini-taz lol so i was like whoa LOL

dont speak/type so fast especially on the internet (i found that out the hard way), because 9/10 times its all jokes

as far as other things I said towards you, that you talk alot of shit online, well if its not true, please let me know , but it wasnt anything personal trust me. I dont talk shit behind anyones back, so actually compared to other kids who talk about you behind your back, what I said within your range of view, was nothing bad anyways dude.

seriously its all good dont get so hyper little buddy

Holy fuckin’ shit when I read the first line of your post Singh I went :wow :ohnoes I figured we were gonna have ourselves another vs. thread for sure.

oh boy travs bull dog mouth got his puppy dog ass in trouble again

Please. NO MOAR! :ahh

Haha thanks Joey :hug

I’ve said enough to Travis on the thread and pm’s. I’m done talking. I will find him and have my fun.

i know ahah i did that on purpose :smiley: yea but really I like joey, hes just hyper on the pc, but its all good cuz so am i (obviously)

please feel froggy and jump.

trav just lay off of it shut the mouth for once it will get ya farther trust me …

im not stupid john… trust me on this one. he thinks swinging fists is going to solve every problem he ever has in life… jail and mandatory anger management classes will be a sad wakeup call to the fact he aint got shit on me when it comes to the LEGAL SYSTEM.

all right

fight and get it over with!!!

i wont even swing. :haha

word i would love to see this… anyone think i should bring a popcorn machine?

or will it be over b4 the first kernel is popped?

theres enough cops around the lot that if he swings and connects i just gotta flag one down… 3-5 yrs to think about it should be good enough.

dude thats cheap…and grimmy :wtf

not my problem. he wants to play tought guy… I got the bigger balls in this case. … ill let the weight of the courts sort out the semantics… and the restitution amount. :crackup