how can ya start wit him then pull the cop card that aint cool dude
i NEVER threatened physical violence. i said if he ever chose to throw a fist it would end badly for him… never clarified how. :nana
In this thread or your other shit storm on the other forum?
Coming from someone who handed his dad’s business card to the trooper who pulled him over, and the trooper handed it right back, along with several tickets lol.
Really? whats this?
cops dont take kindly to physical violence… cuffed and stuffed = layed out.
and then there goes the lot for the rest of us.
im not worried about it. he wont do shit… all bark no bite… afraid of bubba i do believe he is.
Travis man, he might not do anything at the lot because he woudlnt want to ruin it for everyone else, but I promise you he would fight you, but it wouldnt even be a fight man, your fucking with the wrong person seriously.
im not scared… let him throw a punch… and ill take care of it my way… he can threaten me with violence… that might hurt for 5 minutes… ill threaten him with jail… that might hurt for 5 years with the constant buttrape… his choice.
he could punch the shit out of you…it’s only a harrassment charge…he’s arrested only for as long as it takes to do the paper work…and then a court date to pay a fine if that…and maybe a stay away order…thats it
:lol ooohhh Travis’ plans shut down.
Travis is in the process of sending him a PM:
“Hey man, you know I’m kidding about everything on the forums, right? I really think you’re a great guy and wouldn’t want this to escalate into something off of here…”
BUT…if he uses something other then his hands…thats another story
So pretty much nothing outside of a boxing match?
What about elbows, can he throw some bows?
do me the favor of throwing the first punch. i fuckin dare you. not only will you be LAYED THE FUCK OUT, but you will be going away in fuckin handcuffs douchebag. eat my ass with a spoon if ya dont like them apples you fucking tool ass faggot. now… before you try judging ME again… think before you act.
Jesse posted this a few posts back, but I do believe this is a physical threat. Travis, you’re just digging yourself a bigger hole. They’re not going to throw him in jail for 5 years for knockin your ass the fuck out. And trust me, the pain would latst a lot longer than 5min and he wouldn’t need anything other than his fists. It’s already been stated, you’re fuckin’ with the wrong guy. You made a huuuuuge mistake by startin’ shit with Jeremiah. It’d be a smart thing just not to comment ever again on this subject and hope you never run into him. Being his best friend, I’ll state this much… “im not worried about it. he wont do shit… all bark no bite…” is FAAAAAAAAR from the truth. If you think that… why don’t you come down here?
I also love how Travis goes on to say before you try judging ME again… think before you act. But immediately before that told him to eat his ass with a spoon and if he doesn’t like them apples and then called him a fucking tool ass faggot. wtf? lolz.